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I struggle so hard with keeping my darkness inside of me
Yet it's always out of my grasp
I had to dig myself out of it
Spent a lifetime reaching inside of myself
Searching for the source
To plug it up
To stop it
To do anything

I can't find it
I don't know where it all started,
It's so entangled with my sense of self
I can't cut it out
It's not a sickness
I can't medicate it away
Can't suppress it
Overcome it

It's a cancer, growing inside me
Infecting everything
Leaving a trace everywhere
It's a child with paint
The walls of my soul a white canvas

And it's so stupid
The way my brain attacks itself
Because really,
This started here.
In me, somewhere,
I caught a sound;
Luring me,
Lulling me
Condemning me.

But I can't fix it
I can't stop
I'm made of dominoes someone else tipped
But I'm the one pulling the strings
Someone planted the seed
But that someone is my brain
With ears too big for a child so curious
So insistent
That everything was possible

That Heros could be People
And every person could help
And it would all turn out okay

A child coaxing others off cliff-sides
Off ledges, reaching out a pudgy hand
And grasping at the air
Until you returned your feet to the ground
Maybe someone handed me the paint
But I chose the color
I am crimson and grey
Heartache in hues

You know, I don't think I was wrong
The openness of a child who knew too little
It's a beautiful thing

Perhaps the world was too cruel to such a child
Or maybe too fast for it

The pressure of it all

Maybe stirring, commanding
Is everything a child shouldn't be

But I hope breathing

Will still be okay
When the next kid steps forward
To take my place

Oh little mouse
The world is just as big as you think it is

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