Chapter 1: The Beginning

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Peter didn't know a lot about his life prior to his current occupation. He knew he once had a mother and a father, but they were long gone, murdered by the organisation that took him in. He remembered that he had an uncle and an aunt he always liked to visit with his parents, yet he never heard from them again after he was taken. He didn't even know if they were still alive or if Hydra killed them as well to remove anything that could have remained from his life before.

He was five when he was kidnapped. Hydra only had one goal with him: make him an even better version of the Winter Soldier. And so he spent every day of his life since that fateful day with training. He became faster, stronger and more agile than any other kid they stole. He knew how to use every kind of weapon. He knew how to kill somebody and make it look like someone else did it. They took advantage of his very high intelligence and taught him everything they deemed even remotely useful. He became the perfect assassin and spy.

On his 13th birthday, Peter was assigned his first actual mission. He was woken up earlier than usual and lead to a room he has never been in before, which was weird since he figured that he knew the whole facility inside out by now. His handler left him there with a modest breakfast and walked out again. Peter heard the distinct clicking sound of the door lock and realised he had no way out. For a short moment he feared that he would be punished for something even though he didn't know what he could have possibly done wrong. Figuring he might as well get his punishment on a full stomach, he began eating. He did not have to wait long though and once again heard the lock click. Peter didn't even need to turn towards the door to know who came through the door. He would recognize those footsteps every time. Baron Strucker, the head of this facility, sat down opposite of him and looked in Peters eyes for a moment.

"Congratulations Asset. You have been assigned your first mission", he started, easing Peters again raising worries about a punishment in an instant. Not waiting for an answer he continued. "You will be transported to a secure house in the United States. From there you will plan and execute this mission. The target is a rich businessman we need dead and a few important documents he has in his possession. You will frame his personal assistant for the murder. Details on him are in an folder you will receive during the flight. You will picked up two days after the drop off. Do not fail this mission or we will have to re-evaluate your value to us."

Peter nodded in understanding and stood up. He was eager to leave this facility for the first time in close to eight years and to prove his value to the organisation. If he does a good enough job maybe they would let him out more often. He was once again led out of the room and brought straight to a helicopter that took him to the plane to the US.

The folder with the personal information about the target didn't contain too much information, but he was confident that he would be able to finish the mission quickly. The flight passed faster than he imagined but then again, he has only been in a plane once before, to bring him to the facility he spent the majority of his life in. Once the plane has landed his handler drove him to the secure house and left him there. They would surely watch the house from all directions and make sure he only leaves to eliminate the target. Inside was everything he could possibly need to execute the mission successfully, from guns over knifes to all forms of poison. He began his preparation right away. The mansion had a very good security detail, however Peter was small and could get into places the security system never reached and the guards tended to get a bit too bored after 2 am. So he would strike shortly afterwards.

He left the house at midnight and travelled to the mansion by foot even though the walk was rather long, but he figured it was better to be as quiet as possible. The guards were already far too comfortable and didn't seem to pay too much attention to their surroundings anymore. He hoped that he wouldn't have to kill any guards, that would obviously not help the intend to frame the personal assistant. But Peter was in luck a window on the second floor was open so he quickly climbed up the building with the rope he carried with him. The room he climbed into turned out to be the master bedroom, the only room in the whole mansion just the target and the personal assistant had access to. And he was even luckier the target was in the bed in front of him. All he had to do now was to inject the poison he prepared and leave the syringe well hidden in the office of the personal assistant, after he planted some fingerprints on the syringe and a few order forms for the poison he used.

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