Chapter 5: On the Run

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It was getting darker and the people in the city slowly made their way back to their homes. Peter and Wanda slowly walked through the streets, careful to never step out of the shadows. Peter also always had one eye open for any surveillance cameras and made sure that they stayed out of their sight as well. They have ditched the bike as soon as they reached the city and continued on foot. Wanda has taken the lead as she and Pietro lived in that very city practically their whole life. Apparently, she knew of a place in which they could hide for a bit while they regrouped.

When Wanda turned left in an abandoned alleyway, they have reached their destination. According to Wanda, the building at the end of the alley was abandoned and could serve as their hideout. She unlocked the door with her powers and motioned Peter to get in. Peter walked right into a dark hallway while Wanda closed and locked the door behind them. It was dark and cold in the whole building and Peter doubted that there was any electricity or running water to be found here, but it would be enough for a few days. They could get food and water elsewhere.

"Pietro and I used to hide here a few years back. There was a room with a fireplace upstairs that we can use", Wanda said and took the staircase to her right.

Peter followed her up and then down another hallway, until Wanda opened a door on the left and walked into the room. It was just as dark and cold as the rest of the building and there were wood panels nailed in front of the windows, but there was a fireplace, just as Wanda said. An old couch with some blankets was also in the room and Peter figured that that had to be where the twins slept all those years ago.

"We have to find something to burn and start a fire with. I don't think there are any matches left", Wanda said as she examined the fireplace. "And we then we should probably try to sleep for a while."

"I can look for things to burn and for a way to start the fire. You should take the couch and try to warm up in the meantime", Peter offered while he checked if the wood panels in front of the windows would offer enough protection from the environment.

Wanda looked at Peter with an offended expression on her face. "Peter I am not incompetent, I can do these things as well. If anything you should rest because if you think I didn't notice the bandage on your leg you really should learn to pay more attention to other people around you."

"That's just where I had to cut out the tracker Hydra implanted in me, it's probably already healed. And I do know that you are everything but incompetent, I just wanted to be nice", Peter quickly told her. "You know what, you go check the other rooms for something to burn and I will see if I can use anything here to start a fire."

Wanda voiced her approval and quickly walked out of the room again, while Peter started to look around for a devise to start the fire. However, it only took a few minutes until Peter realised that nothing in this room could help him. During his search, he heard Wanda while she apparently completely rearranged another room by the sounds of it. Deciding to check if he could help her, he followed the load sounds coming from the end of the hallway. The door to the room in which Wanda had to be was closed and a stack of old newspapers was in front of it. When Peter opened the door, he was not prepared for the sight in front of him. Wanda stood right in front of him and used her powers to rip the wooden floor panels out of the ground.

"Well that's certainly not what I expected when I asked for some fuel to burn", Peter joked after he regained his composure.

The witch in front of him jumped at his words and turned around. "Oh hey Peter. I just thought that we might as well use the floor of a room we won't use. It will burn right?" Wanda asked him.

"Sure it will, at least if it's dry. I just haven't found something to light it with yet. I guess you didn't either?" Peter said to her.

"No I didn't. I came to this room right away and started process of redecorating the room. I found some newspapers from like ten years ago in here though, we can use them to help start the fire as well."

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