Chapter 3: A Plan Forms

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When Peter woke up again he was back in his room, with no idea how long he was out. He still felt sore all across his entire body but that was the least of his concerns. He didn’t know what exactly Hydra’s scientists did with him when he was out but he did have a pretty good idea about it. They probably took his sperm and were going to use it to create more enhanced soldiers and Wanda was going to be the poor woman who will be subject to this sadistic experiment.

It took Peter all of five seconds of thinking before he decided that he had to get himself and the twins out of here before they could get that procedure going. However, his plan of just escaping right away did not exactly go his way. His enhanced hearing let him know that at least two probably heavily armed guards were outside his room and despite his super strength he did not feel very confident in his ability to take both down since he still felt weakened by the sedative they injected into him.

So Peter had no choice but to wait. He didn’t receive food regularly anymore and soon lost track of time. When he has been confined in his windowless room he only had the three meals a day to track how much time passed, without them he was lost. After what felt like an eternity, but probably only about a week, his three meals were back and with that more regular income of food he regained most of his strength fast.

On the third day with his new and improved ‘feeding’ schedule he heard one more person coming to his room when it was time for lunch. Peter already feared for the worst when the door opened and a handler stood on the other side of it.

“We figured it might be better for all of us if we give you a companion for your lunch from now on. After all we don’t want any more funny business from you in the future,” the handler said threateningly.

And with that he stepped aside, sent Pietro through the door and closed it again right behind him. The elation Peter felt at the news at first was quickly gone when he saw Pietro’s face. No longer did he look happy and confident, instead he seemed beyond pissed.

“Pietro what the hell is going on out there? Where is Wanda?” Peter asked right away.

“Funny you should ask, I thought you knew perfectly well what is going on. After all, you got my sister knocked up. I just figured you would remember that”, he replied angrily.

Now Peter was confused. They already went through with that experiment? He thought he had a bit more time than that. ‘Well, time to improvise’, Peter thought.

“I did no such thing. At least not by myself. They wanted me to get her pregnant to get more enhanced soldiers, but I obviously wasn’t thrilled about that idea. I refused and tried to fight my way out of there, but they got to me and knocked me out. They must have gotten her pregnant artificially”, Peter explained before he asked: “How do you even know all of that? They don’t tell me anything since that day.”

“Well they told me, right before they brought me here. Apparently they left out the part that you were not a willing participant in this shit show though. And it’s not like they tell me a lot of things, I still haven’t seen Wanda since they interrupted our lunch two weeks ago. I only know what they told me, that she is ‘fine’ and is not allowed to leave her room unless it’s for some medical check-ups”, Pietro explained, now far less angry.

Peter sat back down on his bed after hearing Pietro’s words and started thinking. If they had Wanda confined in her room that obviously produced a new problem to think about when planning an escape.

Peter let out a breath and said: “You do know what we have to do right? We have to get her and us out of here and fast. Maybe we can still save the situation we are in right now.”

Pietro looked at him questioningly before answering: “I’m sorry if that is offensive but I heard you do not have the best track record when it comes to escaping this facility. But I do agree we have to flee.”

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