Chapter 4: The Escape

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Peter sat in his room and waited patiently. He spent every single second since breakfast with listening to the slightest sound that would hint at Hydra's awareness of their carefully crafted escape plan. But so far nothing out of the ordinary has happened. If his sense about the time that has passed since breakfast was correct, Pietro most likely was with Wanda in their daily meeting Hydra sanctioned. That still left about 90 minutes until Pietro would come for their usual lunch meeting and the start of the escape.

By now Peter was nearly certain that they were going to be successful and be free people later today. Hydra was surprisingly naive for an organisation that existed since world war two and lived in the shadows ever since and Peter was determined to exploit that very fact on this day. When Pietro comes for lunch today he was going to press the trigger right away, Peter was going to knock out the two guards in front of his door and then they would get Wanda and secure the escape route out of the building respectively.

Time passed slowly and Peter was on edge the whole time. The slightest sounds made him jump and if anybody saw him in his current state that person would be sure to notice that something was of about Peter today. Thankfully he was left alone as usual. The only times Peter even saw any Hydra agents lately was during his short walk to the lab. Strucker himself apparently never left his office since that fateful day on which Peter was informed of the planned experiment.

After what seemed like an eternity or two Peter finally heard the distinct footsteps of Pietro approaching. Soon the door was unlocked and Pietro appeared in the doorway. With a short nod Peter gave him the signal that it was time to start. Pietro nodded as an answer and moved his right hand into the pocket of his pants in which the trigged was. Peter could hear the quiet clicking noise and hoped with all his will that he didn't make any mistakes while building the bombs and the trigger.

But his fears were misplaced. The loud explosions all over the facility ringed in his ears and Peter instantly jumped into action. Before the two guards in front of the door even reacted to the explosions Peter was able to knock them out. As soon as they hit the ground he kneeled down next to one of the two and took the knife and its holster of that guard. Peter then carefully cut his thigh in the area in which the tracker was implanted and cut it out of his muscle, all while Pietro looked at him with disgust on his pale face. When Peter noticed the discomfort of his fellow escapee, he could only laugh.

"What's the matter, have you never had to perform surgery on yourself before?" Peter jokingly asked the Sokovian.

Pietro looked at him as if he had just grown a second head, but otherwise said nothing, as if he was afraid that he was going to throw up if he opened his mouth. In the meantime Peter bandaged the cut as good as he could in the short amount of time they had, threw the tracker back in his room and pocketed the knife before turning back to Pietro again.

"Run to Wanda. Quickly, before they understand what's going on! I can still hear more footsteps than I would have liked", he urged Pietro on.

The Sokovian nodded once and turned to leave but stopped before he left. Turning back to Peter, he took the money and one of Peter's passports out of his back pocket and said: "You take these before we forget. You know better than I do on what to do after we are outside."

Peter looked down on the offered goods and quickly took them. Not even a second after he had the money and the passport in his hand Pietro was gone and no longer anywhere near Peter. Peter himself pocketed the things and turned right to clear any agents on their escape route. If all went as planned most guards should be in a tract on the opposite end of the facility, but Peter could hear that there were still enough guards felt in this tract. He hurried through the hallway in front of his room and towards the direction of his lab. The secret passage out was just a few rooms away from the lab.

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