Chapter 8: The Battle of Sokovia

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The flight back to New York took a few hours, during which Clint taught Peter about the controls of the Quinjet. Thanks to the training Hydra put him through Peter already knew how to pilot a plane, which was why Peter had no difficulties picking up the controls. When they finally saw New York’s high skyscrapers appearing on the moonlight horizon, Peter returned the controls to Clint, who landed on the platform of the Avengers Tower. Peter carefully moved the cradle inside, while Clint went ahead to see if Stark and Banner were already here.

However, Peter didn’t have to wait long before Clint returned with Stark, who asked Peter to move the cradle into his private lab so he could examine it thoroughly. Banner already waited in the lab and as soon as Peter placed the cradle to the spot Stark showed him, he ordered both Clint and Peter out to do something else. Clint went ahead to go and see if he could find a way to contact Natasha and Peter was told to go and see if an old suit of Clint would fit him in case he wants to use it in the future.

Peter only spent about an hour searching for suitable suit before he heard a commotion coming from Stark’s lab. Abandoning his task, he ran back upstairs to see what was going on. Once he entered the lab, he saw Steve and Wanda on one side of the room, Steve obviously not happy about something, and Stark, Banner, Clint and the apparently returned Thor on the other side. They all stared at the cradle as if something was going to happen soon and truly, with a loud bang the top of the cradle was thrown off and the humanoid looking android that was inside jumped outside. Before anybody could stop the android or even ask a question, he flew towards the windows, but stopped in front of them and simply starred at its reflection.

The group in the lab quickly followed the android, who turned around and flew back to the ground. It turned to Thor and started talking in a masculine voice.

“I am sorry. That was… odd”, he turned his attention to Thor and continued. “Thank you.” Thor simply stared at him as the android created a cape similar to the one Thor wore. Peter stared at the androids forehead where a glowing yellow stone was imbedded, wondering if that was what became of the sceptre they hunted down for the past two days. When he turned his attention back to the others he found them to be in a deep discussion about the creation of this android. Thor explained something about the gem in the android’s head being something called an Infinity Stone, of which there apparently were six, the most powerful objects in the entire universe. When Thor finally admitted that Stark was right that they could not defeat Ultron alone the others stared at him in confusion.

The android explained more about his purpose and declared that Ultron had to be destroyed. Clint announced that he was going to strike in Sokovia, where he also help Natasha captive. To show his allegiance to the Avengers the android took Thor’s hammer and handed it to the god, which left the other members of the Avengers baffled. Once again Peter had the feeling that he was missing some critical information on why the Avengers seemed to be so shocked about that. A quick glance at Wanda however showed him that he was not the only one who had no idea what the big deal was. She also had confusion written all over her face.

Steve announced that they would leave again in just three minutes, so Peter gave Wanda an apologetic look and quickly ran back towards the room with Clint’s old suits. There he choose one, got himself his ski mask and hurried back to Wanda, who looked lost while the rest of the Avengers gathered their gear.

“So, what did you use to get here so fast? You were not much slower than Clint and I were”, Peter asked Wanda as soon as he caught up behind her. The young Sokovian did not see Peter coming and jumped in surprise at his sudden question.

“Peter! Don’t scare me like that, I nearly had a heart attack”, she said once she realised who asked her that question. Steve chose that moment to come back into the room and motioned them to follow him to the Quinjet. “Come on, let’s get on the jet, I will tell you everything in there”, Wanda said and took Peter’s hand to drag him to the jet. When they finally got there, they were the last ones to enter, drawing a few looks from the rest of the team.

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