Chapter 26: Waiting In Wakanda

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In the distance, Wanda saw that Peter fought Thanos one on one. Having seen the immense power Thanos had only minutes earlier, she flew towards the battle right away. Unsurprisingly though, before she could even get close to them, Thanos punched Peter and snapped his fingers. Fearing that everything was lost, she thought about how she has failed her kids by engaging in this mission once again.

However, nothing happened and Wanda opened her eyes again to stare at Peter and Thanos once more. That was when she spotted the distinct glow of the Infinity Stones on Peter’s hand. Realising what he was about to do, she rushed towards him intending to help him somehow, but Peter snapped his fingers without hesitation. Out of the corner of her eyes, Wanda saw how Thanos’ army vanished around him, before the mad Titan himself turned to dust.

When Wanda finally reached Peter, he has already fallen to the ground, breathing only shallowly. She stopped right in front of him and kneeled down, clutching his maskless face.

“Peter? Say something please,” Wanda begged Peter, but her husband showed no reaction. “Peter come on, do something. Please.”

However, his empty eyes closed and Peter didn’t move anymore. “Peter please, you can’t go. What would I do without you?” Wanda cried. A hand gently touched her shoulder and tried to pull her back, but she had no intention of leaving Peter anytime soon.

“Wanda, you have to get back. He is still breathing. If we get him help soon, he might make it through,” Pietro, who she now noticed has placed his hand on her shoulder, said compassionately. And truly, once Wanda got better look of Peter, she noticed the faint movement of his chest.

Stunned, she stumbled backwards, while Bruce and Dr. Strange hurried towards Peter.

“He needs to get to a hospital fast. He is coughing up blood,” Dr. Strange said after he looked at Peter for the first time.

T’Challa, who stood a few feet behind Wanda until now, stepped forward. “If you can create a portal to Wakanda, we will treat him there. We have the best medical facilities in the world,” the King of Wakanda offered. Strange looked at him once and gave him a short nod as an answer. He stepped back from Peter and waved his arm to create an orange glowing portal. Bruce carefully took Peter in his arms, before he stepped through the portal, with Wanda hot on his trail.

Behind Wanda, the remaining Avengers debated whether it was appropriate to follow them as well, before Carol quickly stepped through the portal. Steve, Rhodey, Tony and many other followed her example. In Wakanda, Bruce carried Peter to a medical facility near Shuri’s old lab. The Princess, who took the shock of returning back from the Snap surprisingly well, rushed towards Peter room and – together with Strange – began to run diagnostics on Peter. Wanda impatiently waited outside of his room in the meantime, with Pietro keeping her company.

“Tell me about your kids,” he asked her to distract Wanda from the fact that her husband was fighting for his life on the other side of the room.

“They are the sweetest little kids you could imagine. They are actually twins, just as we are. We called them Carol Natasha and Benjamin Pietro. Carol is exactly twelve minutes older than Ben, but as opposed to you, she never brags about that fact,” Wanda explained with a smile. “By the way, you can’t brag about that either anymore. I am technically five years older than you are now.”

Pietro laughed at Wanda’s last statement. “That doesn’t count. I am sure that I still count as a 27 year old in the eyes of the government. But tell me more about the kids. Do they have powers?” Pietro continued.

“They both do, yes. Bruce was able to find all of Peter’s enhancements in their DNA, and some of his abilities already show themselves. And at least Carol, and maybe Ben later on, can also use the same magic I can use. Peter already said that they are basically two little Jedi now and that he should build them working lightsabers to finish the look,” Wanda said.

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