Chapter 24: Time Heist

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While Peter, Bruce and Scott walked down to the main hangar, as it was the only place that would be large enough for what they have planned, the rest of the Avengers decided to contact each and every other team member to help them in their mission. Natasha argued that it would save time later on, but Wanda had the feeling that this was just the opportunity she was waiting on to reach out to Clint.

“So what’s the game plan here?” Peter asked Bruce when they reached the van Scott used for his own unintentional time travel.

“I have some loose ideas where we could start. I need some more power though,” Bruce answered.

“I can help with that. That’s like the only thing where I know what to do anyway. Who knew that I could use my degree once again,” Scott offered and together with Peter, they rushed off to find some powerful generators for Bruce. If Peter remembered it correctly, there were some in the warehouse a bit off the main building. Thankfully, the weather was nice outside, which meant that they had no troubles moving the generators outside.

“That super strength really comes in handy from time to time, huh,” Scott asked Peter, who dragged two big generators behind him. “Why don’t we just use the trucks that I saw back in the hangar?” Scott asked.

“There were trucks?” Peter asked, slightly out of breath. “I didn’t even notice them. Couldn’t you have said something about that a bit earlier?”

“Sorry,” Scott apologised sheepishly. “We can use them if we need any more stuff. I think I saw some control panels that might be useful if we can adapt them to our needs. You know, that way we don’t have to build entirely new ones.”

Peter only grumbled in response, as he continued to drag the generators over the uneven road. Nearly five years with little to none maintenance work surely left their marks on the previously neatly built paved roads. “You know what, how about you go ahead and start one of those trucks you mentioned. If I am not there by the time you are ready, you can come and pick me up,” Peter ordered and Scott hurried off right away. “What in the world was he thinking not telling me about the trucks,” Peter said to himself as soon as Scott was out of hearing distance.

Peter was already three quarters to the main hangar, when he heard the distinct sound of a nearing truck. He looked up and saw Scott driving the truck right up to Peter, who let out a sigh of relief. The surprisingly strong heat today made his work far more exhausting than he anticipated.

“You didn’t bring a crane?” Peter asked when he got a good look at the truck.

“Didn’t need one,” Scott grinned as he jumped down from the truck. Behind him, in the cargo area, Wanda gracefully floated down to the ground. “I heard you needed help?” she asked with a grin before she gently lifted the generators up in the air and carefully placed them on the back of the truck.

“Didn’t you plan on recruiting the others?” Peter asked confused.

“Yeah, but that was like five minutes of work. Carol is apparently busy, Nebula and Rocket are on their way and we figured Thor should only be contacted once we know this works. As for Clint, that’s something Nat wanted to do alone,” Wanda explained her sudden arrival. “Steve and Rhodey are helping Bruce, but I am not sure how much of a help they really are. At least Rhodey has an engineering degree.”

“Well, that’s one more degree than I have,” Peter said while they jumped on the back of the truck to secure the load.

“But opposed to him, you are a genius,” Wanda comforted him. “Just because you don’t have a fancy piece of paper that tells you that you are good at something doesn’t mean that you are stupid.”

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