Chapter 12: The Sokovia Accords

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In the end, Wanda’s depressed mood continued for about a week before Peter, together with Pietro, Steve and Natasha managed to get her back to her usual cheerful self. The fact that many news stations and other public figures branded Wanda as the main person, who was responsible for the disaster in Lagos, didn’t help the process at all. It didn’t matter for those people that the accusations against Wanda were only based on half-facts, ignoring that Wanda did save many people on the ground. As it turned out, Ned was a big help in cheering Wanda up as well. He has told Peter that many of his classmates thought that Wanda was actually pretty cool with all of her powers and Peter used that information to show Wanda that not all people thought of her as a murderer.

Peter and Wanda were just watching another old TV show Wanda liked when Steve knocked on their door. Wanda called him in and he sat down on the bed next to them.

“I just wanted to check in to see how you two are doing,” he announced in a cheerful mood. Peter noticed that he dealt with the whole situation about Nigeria a lot better than Wanda did. ‘Perks of having a soldier’s mind-set,’ Peter thought by himself.

“We are perfectly fine, thanks for asking,” Wanda said, but never took her eyes of the show. Peter had no idea how she could still be that invested in it when she has already seen that particular episode at least twelve times since he knew her. However, Peter didn’t complain about that in the slightest. If it made Wanda happy, it also made him happy.

Steve smiled at her response. “So you are no longer listening to those guys in the news, right?” he asked her. Peter had to grin at that question and Wanda tried to hold back laughter as well.

“Not since Peter decided that we don’t need cable TV anymore. He unplugged the cable from the TV and threw it into the bin. Now we just use our good old DVD player,” Wanda explained smiling.

At that Steve was laughing as well. “Well, that’s certainly one way to deal with that problem,” he said before adding, “Are you guys up for some training later? Sam and Pietro have already agreed.”

Peter opened his mouth for the first time since Steve entered the room. “Sure, I guess we can spare you some time. On the condition that Sam doesn’t complain again when Wanda and I team up as usual,” he said.

Suddenly Vision walked through the wall, making Steve jump in the process. Wanda turned to the android and, annoyed about the regular occurrence of that, said, “Vision… we talked about this.”

“Yes, but the door was open so I assumed that…,” Vision started before he stopped, realising that he might indeed have made a mistake. “Captain Rogers wished to know when Mr. Stark was arriving,” he added after a short pause.

“Thank you, we’ll be right down,” Steve answered, “I guess training is cancelled for today. Maybe tomorrow.”

“I’ll use the door,” Vision announced awkwardly when he made his way to leave. Just as he walked through the door, he turned around once more and added, “Oh and apparently he’s brought a guest.” Steve questioned who it was and Vision dutifully answered, “The Secretary of State.” Vision then left the three of them alone in the room.

Peter was the first to break the silence. “Well that doesn’t sound too good. Also, I like hate, hate that guy,” he said, angry with their current visitor.

Wanda looked at Peter compassionately before they all made their way to the large conference room, where Tony and Vision were already waiting with Thaddeus Ross. Slowly the rest of the team trickled in and Ross started his well-prepared presentation.

"Five years ago, I had a heart attack, and I dropped right in the middle of my backswing. Turned out it was the best round of my life because after thirteen hours of surgery and a triple bypass, I found something forty years in the army had never taught me. Perspective,” he began and Peter was already tired of the man. He briefly wondered if it would be too rude to lay his head down on the table, but Ross already continued. Snapping out of his thought process, he started to pay attention again. Wanda smiled briefly at Peter’s apparent boredom.

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