Chapter 2

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"Who even is that?" Whispered the 2nd minister steward, in charge of royal treasury and income.

A junior minister of records shook his head.


The sound of whispers had risen gradually, drawing the attention of the emperor.

"Your majesty, forgive this subject for impudence" the minister of guards, broke position to come and kneel in front of the court.

The emperor waved a hand in permission.

"Your majesty, the safety of yours is my utmost responsibility, how am I to fulfill my duty with a... a stranger by your side.." he cried, the very picture of the most respectful and dedicated courtier.

Emperor Ruyin fixed his eyes on him, knowing the source of all whispered was currently standing behind him, partially concealed in shadows.

"I do not think I need to give explanations to any action of mine, Minister Gao, but if it is Lord Yuray you speak of, consider your apprehension unnecessary."

"Your majesty...."

"Enough! Court is dismissed." Emperor Ruyin never raised his voice, it was deep, yet soft and calm, demanding respect instead of screaming for it. He rose to his feet, walking out with nary a backward glance.

The black robed figure of Yuray right at his heels.

This new shadow of his majesty was the reason for the unrest among all courtiers.

Lord Yuray, as they had been instructed to address, was a total enigma that appeared out of nowhere, suddenly at every moment in his highness' side.

If his highness is to be seen, he will inevitably be there in a reaching distance, sometimes visible, sometimes not, a hard found fact.

The new emperor had no short amount of enemies in his two month ruling period so far, assassinations in every corner.

In first few days they had learned that reaching Ruyin with Yuray by his side was simply impossible and had started to be vigilant of times he was not, an opportunity presenting itself not too far along the line.

The first assassin never even made out of hiding spot, slain by an inconspicuous hand. The people drawn in by sound seeing only an array of corpses littering the floor, not even having had the ability of coming five feet distance of the emperor and the emperor himself standing in the middle of chaos, unconcerned, not a hair out of place.

Some had hushed out of a shadow, having seen dancing from one assassin to the next and had melted out of existence the instant they showed up.

This started the speculations on the new emperor, be it that he is a demon, in control of a one or being controlled by a one.

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