Chapter 7

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Though he had wandered off from the ongoing merry making of Darilians, Yuray had not the slightest idea of a destination.

He had claimed to himself that he is giving time to matchmaking his emperor, and yet, he knew it was but an excuse to escape from the gathering. For all that he could put up a smile, squabble with Ruyin and pretend to enjoy his time, he knew himself, it was just that, an excuse.

People had always been a weakness of him, crowds more so, too much sound, too much smell, too much everything. In particular, the lack of personal space, people brushing up against him.

Call him paranoid, call him a prude, which might not be entirely accurate, oh who is he kidding, not accurate at all, but he hates it when people touch him, touches that come with no warning specifically. He had no issue with other type of touches, welcomed it even, if he was in a good mood.

Nevertheless, at the moment, he was entirely too tired of everything Daril had to offer, he barely got a couple hours of sleep, there was no alcohol strong enough, not that he could get drunk, he had a duty to complete, and there were people always coming up to talk with them.

At first, he smiled, played up an act. Still, a good couple hours later, his face had definitely morphed into something that had them running away instead of closer. Which, even if not entirely bad, he knew Ruyin needed to have at the least an acquaintance with Daril.

'Nevermind, At any rate, he was just the bodyguard, making friends is not in his employment description.'

Taking the comment out of Ruyin's mouth, he pulled forward the cute young man Ruyin had his eyes on for a while and set them up for a nice...dawn.

He does not regret leaving the emperor panicking about his crush, that man needed to do something about that before Yuray had decided to meddle, anything other than giving the boy lovesick side glances. And sighing, let's not forget sighing. It was not fun to see a 25 year old sighing infront of his dinner like a teenager. He just wants to eat in peace, thank you!

Which, brings him back to this moment, trudging through the brightly lit meadow the celebration is happening in. The Dawn valley, yes, very original, well done, Daril. The auspicious valley to view the New Dawn.

Even though he had to admit that it was a beautiful view, lit everywhere eye could see with colorful and exquisite paper lanterns. There were hundreds or maybe even a thousand of citizens gathered in the valley, dressed in their very best, jewelry and gems glittering.

The Dawn came and went, the sun taking over all the lanterns with no competition, which he paid no attention to, its just another sunrise, some kind of a prayer rose and fell, also ignored, he continued on with his mission, 'Get the fuck out of here'.

"My, my, my, if it isn't my forest fairy," he stopped in place at a familiar voice, standing right infront of him, blocking his path.

Brown eyes the colour of Amber was indeed unforgettable, twinkling under the young sun, black hair with ends curling into a bronze with the light, golden hued skin and even the dangling earring of silver and blue stones was recognizable.

Despite himself, Yuray smiled to himself. 'Finally, something exciting, maybe he's not tired of everything Daril had to offer?'

"Isn't this a surprise?" Zihua asked, stepping closer enough that Yuray could see the golden flecks in his eyes. He was dressed in blue today, blue silks and brown leather embelished with silver and jewels, several beads braided through his otherwise free hair, falling in waves down his back.

"If I didn't know any better, I would say we are fated," he leaned even closer, taking advantage of the couple inches he had on Yuray to loom over.

Despite the voice crying out inside him to take a step back, he ruthlessly crushed it down and held his ground.

'He will not give into the fears.'

"Do you?" He asked, fixing an unimpressed stare on him.

"Do I...?" Zihua blinked, innocently.

"Know better?" Yuray raised a brow.

The other man blinked, again, and started laughing.

"Ah my forest fairy, I guessed your tongue was sharp from our previous encounter, however short that may be, but now, I think you cut straight through my heart," he rocked back on his heels.

"You might want to see a physician for that," Yuray sighed in relief and crossed his arms over his chest to hide the movement.

"Unfortunately for you, I am not one,"

"Hmm....I think I know just the medication though, my bleeding heart lacks companionship," Zihua winked, playful.

"So?" Yuray deadpanned.

"Now now, I remember someone agreeing for a dinner if we met again?"

"It's the morning," Yuray gave him a blank look.

"Breakfast then," Zihua was not deterred in the slightest.

The other narrowed his eyes.

"OH fine, not like I got anything better to do," he agreed.

"This way, dear fairy," Zihua extended a hand which he deftly avoided.

"Don't touch me at the moment, I might actually punch you," he advised.

Yuray did not knew what devil possessed him to admit it, he had never given into weakness in that manner.

"Had too much crowd for the day?" The way Zihua understood immediately and took half a step away made him uneasy.

Only Ruyin had ever cared, before, others were more eager about what he could give rather than what he's comfortable with.

"For a month at the least," Yuray huffed, drawing a laugh from his companion.

"And don't call me fairy, I told you my name," he miffed.

"I will make no promises darling,"

Yuray rolled his eyes, but didn't push it. Why? Good question, he will tell when he finds the answer himself.

"You offered breakfast, do you live here?" He asked, instead.

"Mmhmm," Zihua shook his head. "Why'd you asked?"

"I do not think there will be any restaurants open to facilitate you offer,"

"Ah? Oh, yh, no, it will be fine, I know a place that never closes, not even for the apocalypse." Zihua offered him another bright smile, almost blinding.

"Very well, lead the way,"



I know I should be updating breaking out, but I just couldn't help myself....

I'll update that son too,

See ya,


Ruyin, to Yuray, at some point

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Ruyin, to Yuray, at some point

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