Chapter 21

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"What, You are telling me that the emperor cared about him?" Zihua scoffed.

"I am here, aren't I?" Ruyin asked, staring steady into Zihua's eyes.


Ruyin recognized the moment Zihua realized the exact meaning of his words. His mouth dropping open, eyes widening till the whole of pupil was visible.

The shock and surprise turned to denial not a second later, glaring at him accusingly.

"Do not lie,"

Ruyin chuckled, feeling amused.

"I've been called many things in my life, but liar is certainly new," he commented, setting his cup down.

The blend of chamomile and jasmine was one of his favorites, soothing and calming, but the purpose of the cup was only so he wouldn't reach across the table and throttle the bastard. The porcelain was fragile after all, obviously he could not drop it.

"The emperor is named Riyal," Zihua countered, crossing his arms.

Ruyin rolled his eyes. Why do they keep forgetting that Riyal is his family name, why have they forgotten that Wen is his dynasty.

"I know who you are Zihua Mehran, and how your hatred originated. Now, I will be giving you two choices," he said, setting the cup down with a silent clink.

"_leave and forget you ever met Yuray, or forget your blind hatred and find what truly happened,"

Ruyin rose, straightening the fall of his wide sleeves draped along his hands.

"But whatever it is, Zihua, keep in mind that my brother, is the merciful one, you only got a second chance because Yura would mope for a few days if you died and I hate to see him sad,"

Zihua shuddered at the condescending tone, the benevolent smile that crossed the lips. It is then he realized that there is no demon greater than the emperor himself. There is no king and his demon, only demon and his sword.


"Where did you go?" Yuray was seated on the windowsill, of Ruyin's sleep chambers, swinging his legs not unlike a three years old.

"Nowhere," Ruyin muttered, ducking behind a curtain to change. It was methodical process, untying the ties and pulling off the layers drapes over him one by one.

"I know that's a lie....." Yuray singsoned, "You even gave slip to my elites, bad Ruyi!".

Leaving himself in the innermost shirt, pants and one under robe, he stepped out, quite ready for a bath and fall onto his bed after such an eventful day.

"Even a king needs some private escapes, Yura," he flicked Yuray on the nose on his way to the bath chamber.

"OH truly?" Yuray jumped off the sill to skip after him, hands held behind his back.

"Yes, truly," Ruyin turned around to lean against the door frame, blocking Yuray from following him in.

"You sound suspicious, what did you do? Did you snuck out to canoodle with Jinsu?" Yuray narrowed his eyes at him, brushing a finger against his chin, the elbow held up by the other hand crossed over his chest.

"Canoo...can.." Ruyin chocked on his words, a furious blush taking over his cheeks.

"Ha!" Yuray smirked, "I knew you didn't have the guts to do that, something else then, hmm....." he hummed, pretending deep in thought.

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