Chapter 22

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He took a deep breath, leaning back and relaxing. If the gesture brushed his shoulder against Yuray's hip in a silent comfort, it was for none but their own knowledge.


"There is no need for calling names names, Elders Finian, what are you, five?" Ruyin asked, dispassionately.

To say that Yuray did not enjoy the seething constipated expressions on the elders' faces would have been a lie greater than saying the sun rises from west.

The elders, the accursed beings Yuray hated with everything his life is worth of. The monsters who were so fond of calling him a beast. They who made him into a beast, a weapon, an object.

His left hand had tightened on the pommel of his sword unintentionally, and if not for the leather glove, he would have already dug grooves into the palm of the other with how tight his fist was clenching.

The only thing that kept him grounded, tethered to the reality and not there, was Ruyin's shoulder pressed against his hip. The alive warmth radiating from him. Yuray took a deep breath and unbleached his hands, relaxing himself forcefully.

"We want explanations Your Majesty, why were the ministers Henrus and Yanbao dead? Or more specifically, killed by that beast?!" It was Elder Skander, who stood in the middle, unapointed leader of them. He was a man who did not speak much, or engaged, preferring to use the others for his bidding. His voice was grave and so was his face, the very picture of concern.

"OH forgive me, elders, I was not aware that my every notion had to be permitted from you," Ruyin drawled, sounding bored.

"Your ma..." Elder Fininan started, ever the most emotional one.

"I am the emperor, Elder Finian, this is my empire and my rule, if you have grievances, do send me an appeal and I will give it the due consideration as necessary, until then, stop yapping at my court," Ruyin cut him off, voice harsh, but low.

Yuray saw several Elders hyping up for a long winded argument, but Ruyin striked through them.

"Enough!" For someone who does not raise his voice at usual, when he does, it was enough for the squabbling room to go dead silent at once, shocked still as statues.

"This meeting, is adjourned," Ruyin stood and left with a flick of his sleeve, not a single backward glance.

Yuray met the eyes of Elder Skander, and he knew from the way the old man's face took a gracious purple, his own must have been smug, victorious. With a light twirl that he knew the elders hated, he fell after Ruyin's steps.


"They are going to be furious," Yuray warned, closing the door after him.

"Good, let them be, the more emotional they get the easier it will be for us," Ruyin replied, a slight edge still in his voice.

"They will also try to reign the control back in, even outright murder you, like they did to him,"

"I have you to protect me, don't I?" Ruyin was rummaging through a cabinet in his office room, completely relaxed.


"I will be fine Yura, it will all be fine, besides, they didn't kill him, we did, remember?"

Yuray sighed, there was no use reasoning with him now.

"No more alone time for you then, I will not be taking any risks." He warned.

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