Chapter 12

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"Someone has remembered to come back,"

Ruyin remarked sarcastically when Yuray slunk back into their shared sitting room, few hours after he had pulled an disappearing act on him and Zihua.

Yuray looked up, seeing the disappointed frown marring Ruyin's face and smiled, lightly.

"Sorry Ruyi, were you worried?" He asked.

No matter their close relationship, Yuray never called him by his name unless they were alone. The relationship there, is not friendship, it's of an employer and his employee. But in here, in the privacy, he would switch back into the familiar nickname.

"Worried? Huh! As if! I was wondering if I would need to go fish your corpse out of a ditch somewhere!" He spat out, scowling.

"Aww....but I know you love me!" Yuray smirked, winking at him.

Ruyin raised a brow.

"I'm not even in the mood to argue with you,"he heaved a breath.

"What happened Yura, why were you so drunk? And you definitely disappeared on that poor man, didn't you?"

"I don't want to talk about it." Yuray muttered, crashing down on a couch, robes askew and limbs everywhere, the lethal grace hidden by an unruly child.

"Well tough, you are going to anyway!"

Fixed under the stubborn gleam of Ruyin's eyes Yuray indeed knew he would, or Ruyin would force it out of him somehow.

"He's just so, good, Ruyi...." Yuray sighed.

Ruyin blinked. "And isn't that...supposed to be a good thing?"

"No....not here, not with me," Yuray dragged a hand down his face, the other clenching on his robes in a death grip.

"I can't drag him into this, not because of me. Certainly not because of me, he's a doctor, someone who's kind and noble, and me? I'm just a ruined toy,"

"Hey! Hey, hey, hey," Ruyin almost flashed across the room to get to him.

He knelt down by Yuray's sprawled form, pulling his hands into his own.

"No! No, you are not, Yuray. We have talked about this before,"

"But it is true, all I've ever done is dance to someone's tune, let them pull my strings however they want, I shouldn't even stay in the same room as him, much less fall in love with him,"

'Love?' Ruyin wondered, but set aside for the moment to ponder on, later.

He raised on his knees to draw Yuray into a hug.

"Yuray, you know yourself that, that isn't the truth. Not the whole truth. Who you are is not just that, even if that did happen. You are allowed to have everything you want, heck! you are owed everything you want. The world has taken too much from you Yura, don't let it take even more."


"No more buts, no more what ifs, it happened, I won't say it didn't, I won't say it had no effect either, it is part of what made you into who you are today. My best friend, who is a pain in the head, obviously, and is always willing to do something and never back down, you are a different person now Yura, don't let them define your future as they did the past," Ruyin loosened the grip to draw back and peer into Yuray's eyes.

"Besides, trash talking you is my job, you, are not allowed to do that," he smirked.

Yuray narrowed his eyes, showing him back.

"Shut up!" He scoffed.

Ruyin rocked back on his heels, seeing the slight smile on Yuray. He knew he would be fine. Yuray is strong, he doesn't need anyone to hold his hand. He just needs a subtle knock on his head once in a while to remind him that.

But Ruyin needed someone to hold Yuray's hand, someone who would remind him that he was strong, someone who'd say fuck you to the world. Who would hold him tight when the times got harder, and make him stand up again. Yuray didn't need a crutch, but a reminder that he always will have one.

Zihua Mehran, another one with a hidden past, but a pure heart who travels all over the continent as a doctor. Someone who treated the rich and poor equally, but charged differently, according to the person. His conduct fair, just and admirable. Ruyin would know, he had checked.

From what he had seen, the young man was head over heels with his idiot of a best friend with a crippling social anxiety. Zihua had seen something in Yuray, something deep inside that had tied him so tightly to the other.

Ruyin prayed to the gods that everything will be solved all well. He cannot see Yuray broken, not again.

But, that's not gonna stop him from knocking this idiots head a little harder, he got a thick skull, he will survive.

"Also, what the hell was that?"

Yuray frowned, confused at his change of tone.

"That! The dead fish act, and the disappearing! That man thought I was going to kill you!" Ruyin glowered at him, reaching out to snap his fingers against Yuray's forhead.

"Ow!" He cried dramatically and vaulted over the back of the couch to get away from Ruyin's reaching hands.

"I panicked okay! I think he almost proposed me!" Yuray defended himself, biting on a nail.

"That's not an excuse! Half the street thought I was trying to kidnap you and your boyfriend was a second away from getting into blows!" Ruyin rose to his feet, reaching for a pillow to throw at him.

"I would say I'm sorry, but I really am not," Yuray dodged the hurling pillow.

"If you do that again, I will throw you out the fucking window!" Ruyin scowled.

"That window?" Yuray pointed.

"Yes, you fucker, I swear are you doing?!"

"Checking to see how high above we are, and if it would be worth it," Yuray winked from where he had peered down the window a moment ago.

"You! You psycho! I will fucking kill you!" Ruyin screamed, leaping over the couch the same way Yuray had done.

Yuray did the wise thing and scrambled up to disappear out the door when he could discern that Ruyin is looking for another thing to throw.

The doors banged shut between them and Yuray leaned against it, catching his breath. A blade broke through, only missing his face by an inch.

"Shit! Fuck!" He cursed, making a run for it before Ruyin decided on chasing after him.



Yep, I also felt like chap is too short. Ah...what to do, if I didn't break it here it would get too long.

Next chap will be out by evening at the least.

Vote, and comment.

See ya



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