Chapter 14

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"Are you not even going to say goodbye?" Ruyin asked, astride on his horse.

Yuray turned on his own horse to stare back at the distant city.

"I think it's better this way,"

The slightly bloodshot eyes remained as the only sign of having bawled his eyes out the last night. Yuray was as put together as always, his long hair and robes neatly draped around him.

"Yura," Ruyin shot him a concerned look.

"I'm fine Ruyin, I truly am," Yuray's smile was small, but honest and genuine.

"Very well," Ruyin sighed. "But promise me to give him a chance if he found you again?"

"He's a traveling physician Ruyi, he doesn't even know who I am, much less from where I came, he only knows my name, there were hundreds of people here from all over the continent and even beyond that, how would he ever find me?" Yuray chuckled.

"I have a feeling" the other joked.

"You and your feelings," the guardian rolled his eyes, snapping the reins to urge the horse forward.

"And it's better this way, being with me would only tie him down, for I would never leave you,"


"Why don't you forget about my love life and focus on yours hmm? I happened to notice your sweet Jinsu keep shooting glances at you," he said, cutting Ruyin off of whatever protest he had.

"Take your chances where you can, you will be busy when we got back," he reminded.

"I, on the other hand, am going to scout ahead,"

Yuray snapped his reins again, the horse starting a slow gallop to increase speed with every step.

Ruyin stared after him, heart heavy. He knew from experience that there was of no use chasing after him or forcing him to talk. All that would result in would be Yuray retreating further into himself and strengthening his walls.

It had taken years for Ruyin to get Yuray to be completely free with him, to get him to speak unguarded. Wheedling him a bit usually worked, but at times like these, he needed to let him come to him, almost like coaxing a wounded beast, if he was too impatient, yuray would either run away or might decide to get a swipe in with his claws. 

He exhaled, slowly, and slowed down his horse enough to fall in step with Jinsu, who welcomed him with a warm smile. It isn't that he himself didn't realize the fleeting glances, but that his mind was...occupied.

But Yuray was right, he shouldn't just ignore everything else, otherwise Yuray might just take a swipe in with his claws anyways, his way of...coaxing.

"Are you okay, your majesty?" The slight frown on Jinsu's face made Ruyin chuckle.

"I am, Jinsu, don't worry about me, how was your last two days, we had not a moment to speak." He asked.

"I saw your majesty was busy with the princess,"

"Can we please not talk about that girl," Ruyin pressed on the bridge of his nose to ward off an oncoming headache.

A bright cheery laughter made him turn his head, Jinus was chuckling merrily, a hand held up to his mouth and eyes dancing with mirth.

Ruyin reached out unconsciously to pull away the hand that hid the beautiful smile. It was as soft as a flower petal, smaller, in his callused hand. Not the hand of someone who had held no weapon than a writing brush.

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