Chapter 11

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"Yuray! I've been looking everywhere for you, where have you been? You left me alone with that...that whole nest of rats!" Ruyin marched down the street to grab Yuray by his bicep and haul him around.

" had that...that cute minister, not...not alone," Yuray slurred.

"What the fuck?! Are you....Are you drunk? I didn't thought that's possible!" Ruyin screeched, grip tightening when Yuray started to sway in place.

His cheeks were flushed, eyes glossy and unfocused, the collars of his robes were slightly askew, and that was definitely a hicky painting his throat. With his eyes big and blinking innocently, he looked far too vulnerable to be walking alone in the night.

Ruyin had no doubt Yuray could still take down an army, even drunk and not able to walk straight, but still, there was always a first time to everything.

"Let go, let me go," Yuray muttered, trying to free himself, even if it was clear he didn't really have the muscle coordination for it to be affective. Ruyin just tightened his hold and pulled him closer.

"Go where?" He asked. "Where do you want to go Yura?"

"I'm going to drink, or fuck, till I blackout,"

Ruyin blinked. There was sudden clarity in his words, which, surprising, he smelled as if he drowned in alcohol, and Yuray wasn't someone to be so vulgar with his words. He cursed, sure, but that was...definitely new.

"No, you are not! You are going to come with me, drink a lot of water and go to bed, I refuse to deal with the storm of complaining you would unleash upon me in the morning about a headache!" He ordered, starting to tow the intoxicated man after him.

"No, no no no no no....let me go, I don't want to....." Yuray started dragging his feet, complaining loudly.

It was certainly for their benefit the streets were deserted, or anyone would assume he was getting kidnapped, or something even darker.

"Hey!" Someone called from behind and Ruyin turned just in time when Yuray went utter limp and slumped in his hold.

"Yur..Yura!" Ruyin cried, trying to find the source of Yuray's sudden death act.

It was a young man, wind ruffled hair and robes messy. Ruyin had weedled out enough information out of Yuray to recognize him as the 'questionable life decision

"What, are you doing?" He stalked closer, frowning at Yuray's slack form in his arms.

Yes, he admitted, this did not looked good, in any sort of way you looked, but he is the innocent party here. He is only trying to keep this fucker from face palming on the ground. With less success with passing seconds, Yuray may look lean, but he was all hard muscle and long limbs.

"Yuray!" He shook his idiot guardian, who was playing dead fish at the moment, hard.

"Get up before your boyfriend kills me," he hissed under his breath. 

Zihua had reached them and put a hand on Yuray, resulting in him jerking up as if electrocuted, seeming instantly sober like he had never even touched alcohol.

"Um, bye," he said, before bolting down the street, robes flying and leaving them blinking after his rapidly vanishing form.

"Yuray!" Zihua yelled, almost as if preparing to chase after him.

"Yeah, don't do that, when he runs away, it's better to wait till he comes back, on his own, if you are wise enough and don't want to lose a few body parts." Ruyin advised.

" know him?" Zihua paused.

"I'm his brother," Ruyin said.

Yuray is like a brother to him, an annoying younger brother he still questions whether he wanted. That counts, right? He cannot exactly say he's his employer, that would sound suspicious.

Zihua's gaze swept up and down him, searching for a resemblance most probably.

"Hi, you must be the questionable life decision? He asked, which, shit!


"Zihua!" Ruyin yelped. "You are Zihua, yes? Yuray told me about you,"

"He did?" Zihua asked like an over eager puppy, love sick shine in his eyes, enough to send Ruyin have second hand embarrassment,  previous comment forgotten.

'OH he's down bad,' Ruyin realized.

"I forced it out of him, but, pot, kettle, am I right?" He gave an awkward laugh.

"Shouldn't we...look for him?" Zihua asked, sending an uneasy glance down the road, where Yuray had long gone.

"Like I said, if you are tired of some body parts, you are certainly welcome to," Ruyin quipped.

"He will be fine... he can take care of himself. Now, I'm going back to my residence, you better should as well, Zihua," he added to the other's worried frown, turning to leave.

"Ah, one more thing, Master Meheran, if you are only interested in his...body, I suggest you stop there," he looked over a shoulder.

"Or I can introduce you to my very own pest controlling methods," he gave a grin filled with teeth, disappearing into the shadows the same way Yuray had.

Zihua blinked. Knowing that he had not even known Yuray had a brother, but said brother is aware of even his last name. A shiver went down his spine.

'Does he want to go down that road?' he asked himself, staring after the two long gone brothers.

'Yes,' he decided. 'Yes he does. He would not be letting go of a treasure, he would be anything but a fool to be scared off by some pointed edges, even if those edges could cut him deep and bleed him dry.'

He pictured Yuray's smile, the small private one, with his eyes crinkling and shining like stars. He had already fallen far too deep. Now, only thing he can do is swim. And pray that he doesn't drown before he found land again.



Am I doing a competition with myself on how much I can italic 'Yuray?' Maybe, who knows.

See ya,




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