Chapter 18

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"Yuray?, I do not think I have heard that name, doctor," the old uncle replied, furrowing his brows in concentration.

Five days passed since his arrival and still not a hint of the boy who taunted him in his dreams.

Zihua sighed.

"Do you know of a family name child? Maybe I would know that," the man asked.

"Ah....Viraz, it was Viraz,"

"Viraz?!" The man's eyes widened to the size of dinner plates.

"Is that, strange?"

"Viraz is the house of our late empress, his majesty's mother, I remember it well, because we used to call her the lioness, Viraz means, 'of lions', but that family is not from Yuhanzu, her majesty had been from Weylyn."

Zihua frowned. Royal family? By marriage? Could he be? Or is that a coincidence? There could be two families with the same name. His lips pressed together, thoughts racing one after other.

"Why does this young master search for him?" Old uncle drew him out his pondering.

"Ah, nothing much, he's an old friend,"

The uncle nodded in understanding.

"Maybe you should try the Ministry of Personal, most of permanent residents are recorded there." He advised.

Zihua smiled.

"Thank you very much uncle, I will do that,"


"The Mintry of Personal is charging bribes, did you know that?"

Ruyin took his time looking up, signing the final document, letting Yuray stew. Barging into the king's office, where are the manners in this child?

Finally, he deemed enough time has passed, he glanced at him, seeing the opening and closing fists, tightly pressed lips and furrowed brows. Yuray was furious.

"Yes Yuray, I did know that," he replied, expecting am outburst.

Yuray's palms slammed against the table, bending over to get close to his face.

"If you knew, why didn't you do something?! Your people are suffering!"

"Because, I needed to make certain that Minister Henrus will not be interrupting. There was too much power still residing on the hands of the elders, we had to be cautious in coaxing it back."

Yuray frowned.

"But Henrus is gone now,"

"Yes, he is, I made sure to leave no loophole left to be explored,"

"And we have already shown we have power,"

"Yes," Ruyin agreed again.

"And that we would not hesitate to use it,"

"Yes again,"

"Then why, by the gems in your crown, are we waiting?"

Yura pushed back off the table, crossing his hands over his chest with a pout.

"We are not," Ruyin smiled, only his mouth shifting and not a single muscle else.

"We are not?" Yuray repeated it in confusion.

"No," Ruyin winked.

"What I was waiting for, was the correct occasion."

"And it is....?" His guardian questioned, an eager twinkle in his eyes. Bloodthirsty creature.

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