Chapter 8

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"This is..." Yuray paused, eyes wandering around.

"Surprising hmm?" Zihua smiled at him.

The restaurant was small, not exactly brightly lit, but not dim either. It was enough to give a semblance of privacy, without the feeling of complete isolation.

Wooden furniture was scattered around, tables strewn around with no order, artful chaos, Zihua would call it. It was messy, but clean, the rich aroma of spices mixing with the scent of potted flowers.

The place was quite abandoned, though is bound to fill up soon, with only a couple customers, everyone most probably still at Dawn valley.

"Charming," Yuray agreed, a slight smile lighting up his beautiful face.

He is dressed in black robes today, fading into an emerald green at the bottom. There were silver stitches glinting, with jewels twinkling at hems. It was not a robe of a commoner.

Zihua had known the forest fairy was someone of high ranking, or at least, someone rich. Even the last time, his robes, though simple, had been of expensive made.

Now, it was more than evident, along with the silver in his hair, there even were two emeralds in his ears, matching his eyes and catching the light.

The rigid lines of Yuray's body had loosened with time, with the small quips of comments Zihua had kept up on their way here, subtle unease in his eyes fading away. He appeared relaxed, comfortable.

"What's wrong?" Zihua blinked back into reality, his eyes meeting the brilliant light of Yuray's, filled with curiosity.

"Nothing," Zihua shook his head, smiling.

"You are beautiful," he murmured, mostly to himself, but not minding if the other heard. It was not an emphasis, his porcelain skin almost glowed under the muted sunlight, accentuated by the dark of his hair and robes.

Yuray narrowed his eyes, not in distaste, but something else, having definitely heard the comment.

"You are not quite bad yourself, lover boy, but don't think you can win another round only with some flowery words."

"I'd be offended for yourself if so, my fairy, you are definitely worth some fighting for," Zihua winked.

Yuray's eyes took a slow sweep from top of his head to the bottom of his boots.

"Hm!" He hummed, swirling around to find a table.

Zihua smiled to himself, maybe there is a chance there, more than he had dared to hope. Yuray had even stopped grousing about forest fairy after a couple times.

Despite the fact he entagled with Yuray not even minutes to their meeting, Zihua was not a playboy. Even if he hadn't had any stable relationship, Yuray must have been either his fourth of fifth.

None before had left a mark in his heart like this exquisite boy that day. The fiery personality, cut throat attitude and dry humor had won his interest, the fae like body notwithstanding.

He had vowed himself, if he had met the young man again, he would do something about that, he would not simply let go. The gods had heard his prayer, and here he was, sitting infront of him, grumbling about savage Daril culture and too early starts of the days.

'I want this,' Zihua realized, the small time he had spent with this man the most happiest he had been for a long time.

It is mayhap too early, they still knew next to nothing of each other, but something about this, about him, the bewitching smile, glittering eyes and fierce words, felt, unparalleled.

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