Chapter 6

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"Can I please burn this place to the ground?" Yuray asked.

"At least a distraction will let me go to bed again,"

"Seeing as it is a castle made of stone, I don't think fire is going to do much of a damage." Ruyin rolled his eyes.

"But trying would make me feel better.. ahh...what's more relaxing than setting something on fire...." Yuray rubbed his hands together in a childish glee.

"AH?! A lot of things!"

"Like what?" The way there was genuine curiosity in Yuray's eyes was slightly alarming.

"They are coming over, be quiet and smile," Ruyin whispered under his breath.

The way Yuray's mouth twisted resembled more a grimace than a smile.

"Emperor Wen," the joyous voice of kind Adrigal was grating on the ears.

The man well into his cups of wine, face flushed and laugh way too cheerful for the wee hours.

'Why do these people find it amusing to start a party this late?' Ruyin cursed the whole of Daril ancestry.

"It's...Emperor Riyal, Lord Adrigal, or Emperor Ruyin. Wen is my dynasty,  not my name." He corrected politely.

"Ah, yes yes, Emperor Wen, of course, are you enjoying the festival?" Ruyin almost, almost joined Yuray in his grimace smiles but covered it up quickly with something polite.

"Yes, I find it quite...lively," he answered.

Ruyin heard Yuray's snort behind him and pretended ignorance, Lord Adrigal nowhere near sober enough to discern it.

"Father!" Now, Ruyin undeniably grimaced.

Princess Meilin, king Adrigal's daughter was a beautiful young lady with big blue eyes and a mass of golden curls. Her body is shapely, her appearance comely.

"Brother Ruyin!" But she had an unhealthy fixation on power and beautiful boys.

Ruyin ground his teeth and smiled with tightened lips. Worse still, he can practically feel Yuray laughing at his back.

Unlike Ruyin, Yuray had no reason of being polite and he showed exactly that. The resting bitch face was well enough to keep the grasping paws of unwanted attention off him.

"Brother Ruyin, please allow me to show you the newest flowers I have acquired to my garden, come come,"

She almost grabbed him by the arm, if not for Yuray smoothly blocking her way with a step forward.

"Have no one taught you manners, princess, it's either Lord Riyal of Emperor Riyal for you, what brother?"

He glared down at her, though only Ruyin himself could read how much he enjoyed his suffering, in Yuray's eyes.

Spurned off, Princess Meilin filled her eyes with tears, her face screwing up in displeasure.

"Ah, Lord Wen, Lord Wen, don't be angry, don't be angry, my child is just young, she likes you a lot," King Adrigal joined in, laughing merrily and patted his daughter's hand to console.

"It's fine, Lord Adrigal, my guardian is a bit too, cautious," Ruyin smiled through his teeth, but made no initiative to move Yuray from his protective perch of acting barrier.

"Your majesty, your majesty, princess, your lordship," The high priestess of Daril approaches them, dressed in a gown resembling all the colours of a sunrise.

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