Chapter 16

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Yuray watched. Standing on the steps leading to the archive of the ministry, if not for the wind blowing on his robes and hair, still enough to be mistaken for a statue, he watched. But, he knew, they can see him, and they would not be mistaking him for anything but the demon who came to reap their souls. Figuratively, at the least, it was not yet the time for them to die.

Staring into his emerald eyes, glittering like stars in the dark, Lord Henrus, the senior minister of Ministry of Rights, was frozen still.

Behind him, five junior ministers, accompanied by an array of soldiers, watched him with varying degrees of alertness. Not that it would do them any good, even if just for the name, Yuray still outranked them. As his majesty's personal guardian who reports directly to the emperor, his word far outweighs their own. He knew it, and more importantly, they knew it.

"Lord Henrus," his voice resonated through the courtyard, making the said lord flinch and take a step back.

Yuray raised the book in his hand and descended, step-by-step, deliberately slow. Startled by his movement, the entire personal took a collective step back.

Yuray smirked.

"OH don't worry, I'm not going to kill you," he said, pausing at the last step.


Minister Henrus' face changed through a myriad of colours, from pale to brick red, pale again and slight green, finally turning a purplish crimson.

"You! You! You..!!" He stammered.

"Me..?" Yuray raised a brow, completely disregarding the growing ire of the man.

"He cannot leave this place! Kill him!!" The man screamed.

"Is that a wise thing to do?" Yuray's voice was condescending, ignoring a childish tantrum.

Ah well, he couldn't exactly expect everyone to have the same level of brain capacity, can he? Yuray sighed at the sound of drawing blades. Could these soldiers be a part of private armies of ministers that were snuck in? Or just loyal to these old haggers? He didn't know, nor did he care, they are going to die anyway.

'This is going to be fun,' he thought, tucking the booklet into the folds of his robe. He spent four hours looking for this thing, he was not going to just lose it in the throes of a fight.

Are these ministers really that stupid or just collecting blackmail material for each other? Because, who in seven hells would document their frauds and hide them right where they commited said frauds? Was it like a 'least threat is where highest threat is' situation?

Yuray mused as he danced out of the way of a blade. His own struck out, fast as a lightning, drawing a clear line of scarlet from one ear to the other of the wielder. The blood sprayed accross his face, painting the pale porcelain with a dash of red. He grinned, blood lust hyping with the smell of copper.

The lights went out, chandeliers darkening all of a sudden. Couple more shadows joined the fray and bodies started hitting the floor with a new vigor.

The ministers has started to sweat, brutally dragged down from their high horse. Yuray honed down on the smell of fear wafting from them, approaching with a dead set focus.

He was a blur of swift moves and circling blades, ducking out and swirling away only come right back with a newfound thirst. He may or may not have received a few nicks here and there, but with robes as blood soaked as they were now, it was harder to interpret which is whose. Adrenalin pumped in his veins, subduing the sting of cuts.

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