Chapter 15

15 1 33

'Yura, Yura, Yura, you disappeared again, didn't you my forest fairy?'

Zihua asked himself, both surprised and unsurprised.

He had wondered when Yuray came looking for him in the voluntary medical center, but who was to know that he did it to say goodbye forever.

Now, time had run out, the time Yuray had to back away had ended. Zihua had seen the love in Yuray's eyes, and had let his' reflect in his own eyes, He has wanted to wait, knowing Yuray hid more than he revealed, knowing he was scared, but the twinkle that shone in Yuray had broken Zihua's walls. He pondered, what was it that made him afraid, feelings? Zihua's or Yuray's own? Himself? Whatever it is, Zihua was in too deep now, he was not going to let off.

Unless Yuray said that he wanted Zihua to leave and mean it, he would not be letting go, their fates entangled from that first meeting and now he knew not where his started and where Yuray's ended.

He looked down at the scroll in his hand, mind a mess of thoughts.

Yuhanzu. Do not come unless you are ready to make sacrifices.

Written in a red ink, the letters were perfect, but unfamiliar and slashed accross the white page with all the eminance of crimson blood. Zihua had enough of a guess to know who it could have come from. There were not even two sentences, yet there was enough to spell out the sword hanging over his head with a flimsy thread.

Though, for him, it was only a ray of sunshine, sign of a hope.

Sacrifices? He had once sold his soul to the devil already, there was nothing he was afraid to lose. Not anymore, not for him.


"Yura, come look at this,"

Yuray looked up from where he was running a whetstone over a blade.


"How did I not see this before," Ruyin muttered, leaning even closer to the documents on the table as if to look better.

"What is it?" Yuray asked, lazily dragging his body up and crossing the distance to brace a hand on the table and peek in.

"There had been a shortage of a thousand gold taels in the ministry of rites,"

"Huh? How did you missed that? You are ususally more meticulous than that,"

"I only skimmed through these reports just before we went to Daril. Ayyah!! I'm so stupid!!" Riyin smacked his own forhead.

"I could have told that to earlier if you wanted, you know," Yuray shrugged, carelessly commenting.

"Told what?" Ruyin groaned into his hand.

"That you are an idiot,"

Ruyin smacked him without bothering to raise his hand.

"Ow! yes, I know, truth hurts, but hitting me won't change it," Yuray whined and got smacked, again.

"Ow idiot!" He cried again pulling  Ruyin's hair and making a hasty retreat out of his reach.

Ruyin threw an apple snatched from the basket on his table, which Yuray caught. Smiling with too many teeth, he took a bite.

Ruyin bared his own teeth at him, but prevented from more retaliating.

Ruyin had holed up in his office room for the past two days after returning from Daril, inevitably making Yuray stuck in the room as well.

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