Chapter 3

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"You know of what they speak, don't you, my lord?" Yuray asked, leaning against the back of the chair Ruyin was seated.

"Hmm?" Ruyin hummed, distracted.

Lord Yuray leaned over his shoulder to take a look, and made a face at the document the emperor was reading.

"The rumors, they think I'm a demon, apparently." He spun away, to take a seat opposite of Ruyin, not interested the least in the scribbled notes.

A snort escaped the other's mouth.

"You are a demon," he said.

"Ha ha, very funny," Yuray scowled.

"They think you summoned me from hell and now I'm in eternal servitude," he picked up a brush to spin in between in his fingers.

"What the...why on earth would anyone think that?" Ruyin asked, raising his head to give him full attention.

"It's either that or I'm your whore,"

Yuray said so casually it took a few seconds for Ruyin to register exactly what he heard, progressing to promptly choke on air.

"!" Ruyin asked, in between a fit of cough.

Yuray started cackling, unbridled pure joy sparkling in his jade green eyes.

"Yuray!" Ruyin yelled, still trying his very best to hack out a lung.

Yuray poured a glass of water, sliding it across the table. He stopped laughing, but twinkle of mischief was still present.

"What are you yelling at me for, my lord? I did not started it."

Ruyin took a sip of water, closing his eyes and begging the heavens for patience.

"Why would someone, anyone think of such a thing?" He asked.

"Ah!" Yuray put a hand of his chest, dramatically offended.

"I'll have you know I'm very much a treat to the eyes, your highness, one might say, devilishly handsome!
Which might actually answer where the rumor of a demon came from,"

He said, tapping a finger against a cheek, thoughtfully.

And there was not a speck of exaggeration in Yuray's worlds. He truly was one of the rare beauties of land.

Though his face was undeniably masculine, he was as pale as a jade statue, clear skin, prominent facial features with long black hair that reached his knees when unbound, he was ethereal in his long robes of varying shades of green.

"I don't particularly care, your personality leaves a lot to be desired," Ruyin said.

"Slander!" Yuray cried.

"Though," he said again, the humor vanishing.

"This could ruin your re..."

"We knew this would happen Yura. When you and I are constantly in company, what else is to expected? and it is not only mine," Ruyin cut him off.


"No," Ruyin said, very much serious.

"Do you regret your decision now? You could have avoided all this political drama you know," Ruyin asked with a playful wink, completely changing his attitude.

"Never, I never would have allowed you to jump into this pit of snakes alone your highness, and you know that," Yuray's voice was completely earnest.

"I promise Yura, I will never hinder your freedom, nor any decision you make, this is my burden, not yours."

"Hey, I volunteered to protect your sorry ass, remember? You didn't force me into anything,"

"That is no way of speaking to your king,"

"Apologies, your royal behind, I mean" Yuray said, jokingly.

"Yura!" Ruyin said, laughing softly.

"It's late, go to sleep."

"I need to finish these reports." Ruyin protested.

"They can be done in morning. Come your highness, if you collapsed from exhaustion, they will have to wait even longer."

"Fine, you are right,"

"I usually am," Yuray said with a chuckle.

"Yell if you are getting assassinated, again," he added, slipping behind the heavy drapery.

Ruyin heard the click of a door closing. The reason of no one discovering how Yuray came and went in his chambers during night. Also the root of these scandalous rumors.

He chuckled to himself, there will be even more scandal when truth comes out to light. Hopefully, it will be too buried under the rivers of blood he wished to spill. Or the ashes of fires he wanted to light, either works.



I know.....I should be finishing 'Breaking Out', I know, but I'm inspired on this and if I didn't finish what's in my mind, I'll forget....that's an unacceptable tragedy....

Don't worry, I'll update that soon too, promise!

Once again, english is not my first language, if u saw any mistake, feel free to point it out, I won't be offended.

See you soon,


P. S. : yep, that's his majesty and his, air quote, Demon, air quote, up there.

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