Chapter 20

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Zihua wandered through the forest, hoping to stumble into the clearing he had met Yuray the first time, even if he had no recollection of the road. An accident the first time and wishing for a blessing this time.

He kept silent, straining his ears for the sound of water, in which he succeeded almost two hours later.

The stream was cheerfully bubbling as he remembered, glittering under the streaming sunlight.

But the stream, the forest and neither the beautiful surrounding caught his eye. None as enchanting as the boy who sprawled over the rocks. He lay on his back, hair spread around him like a halo, feet swaying absent-mindedly in the water.

It was almost an imitation of the first time, if not for the black robes that had replaced the white and the prone posture instead of upright and alert.

He must have made some kind of a sound, for the boy jerked up, alarmed and eyes searching. Emerald met amber and held, the open surprise shuttering with only a moment's delay.

"What are you doing here?" Yuray asked, a slight frown marring his features.

"I thought I could find you here," Zihua replied honestly.

"Why?" The wary distance and the suspicios narrow of eyes was discouraging, but Zihua soldiered through it, stepping out into the clearing.

"I wanted to talk to you,"

"Why?" Yuray repeated, not making any move to get up, or get closer.

"You disappeared Yura, you didn't even said goodbye," Zihua decided to start small, the first question he came looking answers for.

"Did I not tell you that I am not someone you should get closer to?" Yuray started twirling a strand of hair through his fingers.

He sounded so casual and nonchalant about it Zihua knew that it has become a nonchalant for him. The casual acceptance of himself being someone that should be kept a distance with, lay heavy in Zihua's heart.

Had he had none who stood by his side? No, that cannot be correct, he has a brother.

"You didn't scare me," he blurted out.


"In the morning, you didn't scare me, I wasn't afraid of you, I was afraid for you" he insisted.

"Excuse me?" Yuray raised a brow, incensed.

"You... is he making you do that Yuray, the emperor?!" Zihua was not ready to give up. Not on Yuray.

"Huh?" Yuray's face screwed up in confusion, looking utterly baffled.

"Is the Emperor Riyal making you kill people, you cannot possibly be doing that willingly, Yura, please, let me help," Zihua begged, starting forward.

"Why are you so certain I wouldn't?" Yuray took a step back, reclaiming the distance between them.

"Because I know how kind you are, Yuray, that person, that wasn't you!" He pressed, so sure of the boy who had helped him wrap bandages, who looked awkward midst of genuine greatfullness.

"You don't know anything about me," Yuray snapped, eyes ablaze.

"I know you, Yura," Zihua insisted.

Yuray started laughing, a chilling sound that echoed and had no place in a place so soothing and beautiful.

"If I said he was, what would you do? Kill him?" The laughter cut off suddenly, making way to a freezing glare.

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