Chapter 13

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"Hello," Zihua was alarmed so badly he almost dropped the pot he was holding, before a pair of hands came up around his own to hold it steady.

He knew those hands, the long fingered slender hands of pale porcelain, with pink nails filed to a point. The hands were warm, but the smile glowing in the pretty face was even warmer when he raised his head.

"HI! I...uh....didn't mean to....startle you," was that bashfulness he was seeing?

"Yuray," Zihua managed to get the words out from his suddenly too heavy tongue.

"You are here,"

Yuray nodded, looking up at him through his lashes.

"Sorry, for yesterday, I shouldn't have done that," by the heavens can this boy be anymore endearing?

"No no, it was, it was fine, I...was only....worried," Zihua searched for words.

"I did thought you were getting kidnapped though,"

Yuray giggled. "Nope, that was just my brother, he had just came to fetch my corpse, as he said,"

"He told me, after you...."

"Disappeared on you? Again?" Even the awkward laugh of his was too damn cute for Zihua.

"Sorry about that as well, I don't get drunk easily, but when I do, I'm kind of a mess,"

"I don't mind," Zihua replied with a minute smile.

"Your brother was scary though," he shuddered, thinking of those bottomless eyes, seeming to dig through his very soul.

"Who? Ruyin?" Yuray laughed. "He's all bark and no bite, don't worry, it's only for the show,"

"If you say so," Zihua accepted, though he very much doubted that.

"So, should I be expecting of any more.... disappearing?" He asked instead.

"We'll see, loverboy, we'll see," Yuray smiled, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes.

"But, for the moment, do show me what you are doing,"


Yuray was going mad. He knew he was. There was no possible other explanation for this. Why was he there, the voluntary medical center, to be precise, where he knew he could find Zihua?

Insane! That's what it was, he was insane, why did he go searching for the same boy he should be avoiding? He had sworn to himself that he would forget Zihua the night before bed and what was the first thing he did in the morning? do the exact opposite and go find him.

"Argh!!!" He cried, pulling on his hair.

"Ow!" He screeched, letting go in the same instant.

"What, is wrong with you?" Yuray jumped out of his skin, having completely forgotten Ruyin's presence.

Right, they were still at the palace of Daril, and he had insisted on staying with Ruyin while he completed some paperwork. Being suspicious had been hardwired to his brain and he wasn't keen on leaving his emperor alone for much long, particularly while on foreign land.

They were currently holed up in Ruyin's suite, seated at the main table in sitting room.

"Why can't I forget him......" he sobbed, slumping on the chair he was seated on and sliding down.

"Because you are in love with him?" Ruyin deadpanned as if it was the most obvious thing in the world and Yuray was just being an idiot.

Yuray's heart skipped a beat, or it stopped completely, he wasn't certain, he was more focused on reaching over the table to grab Ruyin by the shoulders to shake him, hard. At least one of them should be of clear mind.

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