Chapter 4

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"I'm going to kill you!" Yuray hissed under his breath.

"Kill me later, how are we going to get out of here?" Ruyin asked.

"Get out of here? If you didn't insisted on doing this, we both would have been in our beds, deeply asleep!" Yuray paused his fighting to turn around only so he could glare Ruyin on the face.

"I admit I was wrong, I'm sorry, now how are we going to get out?

"I'm gonna give you to them, they only want you," Yuray really sounded contemplative when he swiped a sword across a soldier's throat.

"Bad plan, let's try another," Ruyin asked, kicking another in the chest and sending them flying.

"Kill you?" Yuray pulled Ruyin out of the reach of a blade.

"No!" Ruyin cried, miffed. "Something that doesn't include me dying or getting captured."

"I could push you down that cliff and run while they search for you" there was a laugh in Yuray's voice.

He gave a muffled yelp and spun out, trying to avoid an arrow. It graced his arm, but was not a lasting damage.

"How about leaving me uninjured as well?" Ruyin said, throwing a dagger at the at that same archer.

"Do we have to?"

"Unfortunately, the kingdom does need the emperor,"

"Then the emperor should have stayed where he was safe! Not sneaking into rebel camps!" Yuray said placing a hand on Ruyin's shoulder for leverage and giving a flying kick to two soldiers at once.

"I already said I'm sorry!" Ruyin screeched, ducking out a blade and stabbing the soldier through.

"Aren't you supposed to be the strategist?"

"Not....not...not in these kind of situations!" Ruyin sputtered, exasperated.

"Cover me," Yuray said, pulling the bow from where it was slung over his shoulder.

"What do you think I'm doing?" Ruyin threw another dagger.

"What are you all doing you idiots?! Catch them!!" There was someone screaming orders out of sight.

Yuray's arrow shot into the darkness, hitting none the soldiers surrounding them.

"Well that worked so well," the sarcasm was heavy.

"Shut up,"

"I think we are going to die here," Ruyin muttered. 

"See you in hell," Yuray laughed. And everything blew up.

Literally. Where Yuray's arrow went started the chain of explosions, continuing to light half the camp in fire.

"How did you..?"

"I brought help. C'mon!" Yuray pulled on the back of Ruyin's robe.

The rebels were running around, not unlike headless chickens, trying to put out the fires and save as much as possible.

Ruyin almost stumbled from the drag, but managed to steady his footing and chase after Yuray.

Making use of the distraction, they made it out, relatively unharmed.


"OH my gods!" Ruyin said, collapsing on the floor, breathless with laughter.

Yuray closed the window from where they snuck in. Snuck in, to their own chambers. He really ought to kill Ruyin.

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