Chapter 5

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The horse whined, tossing its head full of black mane.

"What is it Tempest?" He asked.

His gaze roamed, searching for the unease of the beast.

The ususal gurgle of the nearby creak was disturbed by the sound of splashes.

The young man slipped off his horse, taking silent steps towards the sound.

The sight when he broke through the tree line almost took his breath away.

There was a spirit sitting on a rock bordering the lake,was a vision of monochrome with ink black hair and porcelain pale skin. Dressed in long robes of green and white, he was almost glowing under the sun. The long waterfall of his hair, left loose, had reached the rock and streamed down, showing that it was far longer than the length of his seated height.

The forest spirit was leaned back on his hands, head tilted up and eyes closed. His bare feet were immersed in water, absent-mindedly kicking and splashing.

"If you think you are hiding, let me enlighten you, it's not working," the young man was startled out of his skin when the spirit opened his mouth, the voice deep and surprisingly melodic, now staring straight at him with an unimpressed expression.

"From which heaven did you fell from little fairy?"

A brow jumped of the said fairy,

"I crawled my way up from hell,"

"Must be why you are so hot," the young man missed nary a beat in answering.

The fairy smiled, a little too much teeth to be sweet.

"I'm too sober for flirting, let's stop there and start somewhere far down the line" he winked, rising to his feet with a feline grace.

A startled laugh was forced out of the other, he raised a brow, letting his eyes sweep over the advancing figure.

The fairy treaded from rock to rock across the narrow creek, jade like feet silent and the long robes swirling like mist around him. It made him look all the more ethereal, and just as much dangerous. No normal person would have such an ease walking on slippery stone.

"A wild creature, aren't you, what, no dinner first?"

"That, depends, maybe I will let you to take me to dinner, later" The green clad boy stepped on to the shore, as if stepping on a pedestal to be worshiped, or feared.

The little fairy was not so little at all, rising to a height to almost match his, with a body only slightly more slender than his.

"May I have the grace of knowing your name, at the least?"

"You first, till I consider if you deserve the honor," The fairy said with all the impudence of a monarch.

"Zihua," he was definitely amused, and very much attracted.

"No last name to go with that?"

"How about you give me yours first?"

"Hmm....I suppose I would have to" how he made sharing his own name sound like a chore, Zihua would not know.

"Or I could keep calling you fairy," he suggested.

"How about calling me, Yuray?" The forest fairy breathed, too fucking close, far too fucking sudden.


"What is wrong with you?" Ruyin asked.

"So many things, might want to be specific."

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