Chapter 19

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"I put his head on a pike right infront the doors by the way, I hope you would not mind," Yuray used a tone that said he would not care even if he did mind.

Seated on Ruyin's office table, Yuray was swinging his legs, leaned back on his hands. His adorable, blood thirsty demon was still dressed in the same white robes, now stained in crimson and permanently ruined.

"Also, I want new robes," he added, grinning innocently at Ruyin.

"That's the third set this week Yura," he groused, faking an annoyance, having forseen that order veiled as a request.

"Too bad, I already gave the order to the Department of attire,"

"And who would be paying for those?" Ruyin asked, as a courtesy, anticipating the known answer.

"You, of course,"

"Of course, why didn I not thought of that?"

"Hmm? Must be all the paperworks rotting your brain, after all, I got such wonderful news from the old seamstresses," Yuray blinked at him with wide eyes.

"OH? And what might that be?"

"A certain emperor had placed the order way ahead of time to provide me with as many new sets of robes as I wish, paid by his own coffers."


Ruyin huffed, knowing a battle when lost. He had dragged himself down that rabbit hole, he should have asked the Department of attire to keep their mouths shut, not that it mattered, those old ladies adored Yuray.

"What happened Yura," he asked, pinpointing on the tightness in-between Yuray's brows, the gingerly way he held himself.

For an outsider, Yuray would look no different, his usual mask of grouchyly bubbly self that loved to tease their emperor perfectly pulled on. But Ruyin had seen the tense lines of his body the moment he had walked in. The rigidity he carried himself, a fraction different from the customary floating grace.

"Nothing much, I scared that idiot, he screamed enough to scare the bystanders, killed him and put his head on a pike," he said unconcerned, pulling his feet up to cross them on the table and started picking at the string of a bamboo scroll.

Ruyin made a face at the shoes on his table, but made no comment as he had more to be thinking of. He pulled the scroll out of reach of Yuray's grubby fingers, before the string unraveled and put it on his other side.

Yuray pouted at him, as expected, but there was something missing on that expression. As if making it because it was what he should, not what he wanted.

"You know very well what I mean Yura," Ruyin pressed, Yuray would never reveal something that bothered him unless forced to.

"There's nothing else," Yuray deflected, to which Ruyin only raised a brow.

His darling guardian pressed his lips together, defiantly staring off to a side. But at the least he did not tried to immediately leave, as was typical of him when they had first became friends. Ruyin would count his wins where he can.

"We can do this all day you know, I'm quite free for the rest of the afternoon,"

Ruyin leaned back on his chair, making himself comfortable, eyes fixed on Yuray. If there was one thing the little shit could not handle, it was eyes, or, attention, on him, for a little too long.

Ruyin bit the the inside of his cheek to prevent a smile when Yuray's shoulders slumped and brows slackened not even a couple minutes later.

"I saw Zihua today," the words were whisper quiet and the pain in them made Ruyin stand, could not be just 'saw' for Yuray to make that expression.

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