Chapter 9

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"If you do that again, I will throw out the fucking window!" Ruyin scowled.

"That window?" Yuray pointed.

"Yes, you fucker, I swear are you doing?!"

"Checking to see how high above we are, and if it would be worth it," Yuray winked from where he had peered down the window a moment ago.

"You! You psycho! I will fucking kill you!" Ruyin screamed, rising to his feet.

Yuray did the wise thing and scrambled up to disappear out the door when he could discern that Ruyin is looking for something to throw.

The doors banged shut between them and Yuray leaned against it, catching his breath. A blade broke through, only missing his face by an inch.

"Shit! Fuck!" He cursed, making a run for it before Ruyin decided on chasing after him.


Morning that day,

"You came," there was a pleased surprise painted on Zihua's face, clear to all that beheld.

His eyes crinkled with a happy smile, face lighting up. There was a crooked tooth in his smile, upper front tooth, adding a slight flaw in his otherwise perfect appearance that was endearingly charming in Yuray's eyes.

"You invited," he replied, putting on an aloof attitude.

The more he shows he's attached, the more someone can take advantage of him, something he had learned the hard way. So, no, he was not going to show that he had anything more than a passing attraction to this man. Zihua is not good for his heart. He had a way of getting under his guard that scares Yuray.

"I honestly didn't think you would come," Zihua said, flashing another crooked toothed grin. It was warm, very much real and is sending his heart on an erratic beat.

'Fuck!' He cursed to himself, but replied with a flash of his own smile. If it had too much teeth than should be, to be anything other than threatening, maybe it was intentional.

If he could get Zihua to run away, maybe that would be for the best. He is many things, but never a predator of such kind. He knew if the other man ran, he would not chase.

"How could I say no to such a pretty face?" He asked, an unnecessary swagger in his each movement.

Zihua's smile dimmed a little, glancing over Yuray's shoulder.

'Good, see me, see me for the predator I am, and go away, leave,' weather it was a prayer, a plead, an order, Yuray was not in a space to acknowledge. 

"Master Mehran!"

A new voice called, nearly making Yuray jump out of his shoes and whirl around in alarm.

'How the hell he did not notice someone coming up behind him till they got this close. What...what is happening? Was that what Zihua was looking at?'

"Master Mehran! The inn said you came this way, it is you, yes?"

The man, middle aged, no noteworthy feature in his appearance, tan skin, a graying hair in a tight knot and dressed in a commoners' garb, asked, staring at Zihua.

Yuray blinked, 'Did he climb the hill they were perched upon?'

Yuray had found Zihua on one of the steep hills surrounding the dawn Valley, slightly hidden by another two cliffs, it wasn't much visible, but held a beautiful scenery at the top, the whole of dawn valley in clear view, though, again abandoned for nature after Yesterday's celebrations.

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