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'Good Morning, it's Monday, March 18th, 2024; last night, the body of 16-year-old Alice Barker was found, in an alleyway; it seems she was murdered by stabbing wounds to her neck and to her head. The police suspect that this murder and the last 4 have been done by the same person, due to the victims having similar stab wounds and time of death. Stay safe out there, and if you see anything, call the police immediately.'

Haerin listened to the news as she got ready for school.

'The police are so stupid.' she thought with a small smirk on her face.

Haerin walked out of the house and then to the car where her driver was waiting.

When she sat down, she took off her backpack and put it on her lap, then took out her phone and AirPods.

She started playing music while looking outside the window, thinking.

'Should I kill that stupid girl in my math class or the girl in my AVID class?' she thought.

She hated both of those girls equally; they were so annoying and were always asking her for answers or trying to piss her off. She was going to kill them both eventually, but she had to pick which one was first.

'I think I'll kill the AVID girl first.' She finished her thoughts as her school came into view.

When she got to the front of the school, she got out of the car and walked inside.

Inside was what a usual high school in New Jersey was like; kids about to start fights, couples holding hands, teachers looking miserable, groups of girls gossiping, groups of guys just talking about sports, but then there was Danielle walking to class; she looked so happy with her friend Hanni.

As Haerin was walking to her first class, she saw Minji and Hyein talking in a corner; she walked quickly to get to them.

"Hey guys." Haerin said when she got to them.

Both Minji and Hyein greeted back.

"Did you see the news today? I can't believe the police haven't caught us." Haerin asked as the three of them walked together.

"I know I can't believe it either; we've already murdered 5 people, and they still haven't done an investigation." Minji replied

"I was thinking about who should be our next victim, and I've chosen the AVID girl who annoys me every day; we could kill her today if you guys want." Haerin suggested.

"Sounds good; we'll meet up after school at the usual place; see you guys later." Minji said, then walked to her class.

"See you later Haerin." Hyein said, then walked upstairs to her class.

Haerin continued walking to her first class, which was History; when she got inside, she sat in the corner where her desk was and took out what she was going to need for the day.

A few minutes later, a group of the popular kids showed up and walked toward her desk.

"Hey, weirdo, you got the answers for the homework that is due today." One of them asked.

"I do why?" Haerin responded, annoyed.

"Give it to us, or you'll see what happens after school." A different kid threatened.

"You guys could've done it over the weekend instead of asking me for it, and I'm not gonna give it to you," Haerin said, then went back to reading her book.

As she started reading her book, she felt a pull on her shirt, making her fall off her seat.

"Give it to us right now, or we'll cut off your dick after school." The same kid said.

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