Moving Day

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Chapter Twenty-One: Moving Day

Danielle turned around and saw Haerin getting her stuff. "You're leaving already?"

"Yeah, I need to get home before my parents notice." Haerin replied as she put on her jacket.

"It's barely 5, are you sure? It's still raining a bit." Danielle looked out her window; raindrops were falling calmly.

"They get up pretty early; I'll be fine." Haerin opened the window slowly.

"I'll see you later." Haerin said before walking onto the roof carefully because it was slippery.

Danielle got up and closed the window, then went back to sleep.

Since it was still dark, Haerin took out her phone and turned on the flashlight.

She jumped over the fence with her phone in hand and walked back home quickly.

When she got to her frontyard, she turned off the flashlight mode and put her phone in her jacket, then jumped to grab onto the edge of the roof.

After a few seconds of trying to pull herself up, Haerin made it and walked through the window to get to her room.

She took off her jacket and lay on her bed to fall asleep again.

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"What do you think we should get, Mom?" Minji asked as she grabbed a piece of paper and a pen.

"Well, you said the place is already furnished, but what things are included?" Mrs.Kim walked over to Minji and sat with her.

"2 queen-sized beds, 2 twin-sized beds, 1 wardrobe, a fridge, TV counter, a sectional couch with a normal couch, dining table, nightstands, stove, and mirrors." Minji counted with her fingers as she remembered the apartment.

"If there are three rooms, why is there only one wardrobe?" Mrs.Kim asked.

"Because the two biggest rooms have a walk-in closet, and the smallest one has a wardrobe." Minji explained.

"Oh, okay, so you'll only need to buy kitchen utensils, bed sheets, a TV, and cleaning supplies." Mrs.Kim took the paper and pen from Minji and wrote the stuff down.

"Did you already take the suitcases down to the car?" Mrs.Kim added as she finished up her writing.

"No, Hanni is still getting hers ready." Minji took the list from her mom and placed it in her pocket.

"Go take the ones that are ready down now because we're going to end up running late." Mrs.Kim suggested as she put the pen on the table.

Minji got up and went to her room.

"Are you almost done?" Minji asked as she got one of the suitcases.

"Yeah, I just need to make sure we aren't leaving anything." Hanni walked around and checked.

"Calm down; if we do, my mom or dad can always just take it to us. Now help me with the suitcases. I'll take the heaviest ones." Minji walked out of the room and lifted the suitcase as she walked down the stairs.

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