Hyein Finally Has A Crush?

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Chapter Fourteen: Hyein Finally Has A Crush?

"Why are you calling me Hyein? It's still so early you could've waited." Haerin complained as she picked up the phone.

"Ring Minji, I need help with something." Hyein asked impatiently.

Haerin rang Minji, then lay back down on her bed with her phone in hand.

"What do you guys want?" Minji picked up the phone.

"I don't know; ask Hyein. She told me to ring you." Haerin replied.

"Minji, are you around Hanni?" Hyein asked.

"No, but I'll go to the guest bedroom, just in case." Minji replied as she walked to the room, locking the door.

"Okay, so I've been thinking about this since yesterday, but I need help to understand my feelings. I hung out with Eunjin yesterday; we played basketball, and after I left her at her house and came back to my house, I've been thinking about my feelings towards her; I know we are barely starting to know her, and we're all friends, but there is still this weird feeling when I'm around her, and I even gave her my jacket when it started to rain, and she still has it." Hyein explained, leaving Minji and Haerin quiet and confused.

"So you want us to help you know if you have a crush on her or not?" Minji broke the silence.

"Maybe." Hyein replied with uncertainty.

"Well, it's your feelings, so at the end of the day you'll know, but what type of 'weird' feeling?" Minji asked.

"It's like anxiety when you stand in front of a group of people." Hyein explained.

"So your heart beats fast, and your stomach feels weird." Haerin joined in.

"Yeah." Hyein confirmed.

"Okay, what else do you feel? Like for example, you feel more happy than usual." Minji asked.

"I do feel happier when I'm with her; there is no awkwardness, and I feel like she gets me even though we barely know each other." Hyein replied.

"From experience, you probably do have a crush on her, but if you want to date her, wait a bit until she reciprocates her feelings, and if you guys do start a relationship, be very careful, just like I am with this whole killing thing." Minji explained and warned.

"Okay, I'll think about it." Hyein replied after the explanation.

"Is that all?" Minji asked.

"Yeah, you guys can hang up." Hyein replied, and then Minji hung up; only Haerin stayed.

"Aren't you going to hang up as well?" Hyein asked when she noticed Haerin was still on the call.

"Oh shit, yeah, bye." Haerin said, then hung up.

"Weirdo." Hyein whispered as she turned off her phone and went back to sleep.

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Haerin logged out of her Zoom call and then closed her laptop.

She stood up and placed it on her study table.

Suddenly, the door opened, revealing her sister.

"There's a thing called knocking." Haerin said as she sat on her bed.

Her sister shrugged and then sat next to her.

"What's happened since I left?" Haeun started.

"Not much other than school being online now, and we got a new neighbor." Haerin replied as she swung her feet over the edge of the bed.

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