What Are We? [M]

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Chapter Three: What Are We?

Minji parked her car in front of Hanni's house.

She made her way toward the door and knocked on it.

Moments later, Hanni opened the door.

"You ready?" Minji asked.

"Yeah, just let me go get my bag." Hanni replied, then ran upstairs to her room.

Hanni ran back quickly to Minji, holding her Gucci bag.

"Which park do you want to go to?" Minji asked as the two of them got in the car.

"We can go to Maverick Park; it's the closest." Hanni replied, putting her seatbelt on.

"Okay." Minji agreed.

Minji drove to the park once the both of them had their seatbelts on; it was about a ten-minute drive.

When they reached the park, Minji got out and opened the passenger door for Hanni.

The two of them started walking on the sidewalk, looking around.

Kids were playing in the playground while their parents watched them.

"Do you want to get ice cream? I'll buy it." Minji asked.

"Sure." Hanni replied.

They made their way to the ice cream truck and ordered what they wanted.

Minji got a lemon-flavored popsicle, and Hanni got a cookies and cream ice cream cone.

Both of them sat on a bench far from the playground and started eating their ice cream.

"What do you think of the way we have school now?" Minji asked as she looked around.

"It's fine; I mean, it's nothing hard, honestly it's easier, but the reason why we started doing online school is sad." Hanni replied.

"Knowing that those people were our classmates and now they are dead is messed up; I can't understand why people kill one another, especially in such ways. The last girl was raped; it's disgusting how someone can do that and just end up killing them and throwing them near a cliff like they were nothing." Hanni finished.

"It is, but when there is good, there will always be some sort of evil; that's just how the world balances." Minji implied.

"Now we just have to accept it." Minji added.

They continued eating their ice cream as they catched up on other things.

Minji checked the time on her phone; it was 7 almost 8, and the sky was turning darker.

"I'll drop you off now; it's almost 8." Minji said, then got up.

They walked back to Minji's car; Minji opened the door for Hanni and, then closed it.

Minji made her way to the other side and got in.

"Can you stay over? If you and you're parents are okay with it." Hanni asked.

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