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Chapter Two: Chatting

As Haerin was finishing up her studies, a notification popped up on her phone.

It was from Danielle.


7:01 AM
Hey Haerin, here's my phone number if you want to talk later. I usually only use Instagram to look at pictures and post them, but you can call me through messages. 973-***-****.

7:01 AM
Okay, I'll make sure to add you to my contacts.

Haerin immediately copied the phone number and created Danielle's contact.


7:02 AM
Hey, it's Haerin.

7:02 AM
Heyy! That was pretty quick anyway; what are you up to?

7:02 AM
Just studying, but I'm almost done, hbu?

7:02 AM
I've been watching TV.

7:03 AM
I'll call you later if you want once I'm done.

7:03 AM
Sounds great!

Haerin finished her paper as fast as she could and then called Danielle.

"Done already?" Danielle asked, surprised.

"Yeah, it was only 2 problems that I had to complete." Haerin replied as she put away her textbook.

"Makes sense you're one of the few really smart kids; I'm average for an Honors student, but you're next level." Danielle complimented.

"It's not that impressive the problems were just easy." Haerin replied shyly.

"What subject was it then?" Danielle asked.

"Math." Haerin said shortly.

"Yeah, you're a genius; Math is my weakest subject, but somehow I have a good grade in it." Danielle shared.

"Do you want me to tutor you? I don't have anything important happening after school most of the week." Haerin suggested.

"And also, we're doing online school so we can have more time." Haerin finished.

"Sure, I would love to; let me just tell my parents about it so they don't think the wrong." Danielle replied.

"Yeah, I don't want them kicking me out and having to get mad at you over a misunderstanding." Haerin said, then let out a small chuckle.

"But, um, won't they get mad that I'm the one tutoring you? Do they know about me?" Haerin asked, a bit self-conscious.

"No, they don't know about your special trait, but don't feel uncomfortable; I don't find it weird." Danielle replied.

"You don't find it weird?" Haerin asked.

"Nope, it's just something that's a part of you, and there is no point in judging you." Danielle replied, comforting Haerin.

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