Let's Continue What We Started Pt.2

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Chapter Nineteen: Let's Continue What We Started Pt.2

'What in the world did I just see!? Why did Haerin have a gun!?' Danielle thought to herself as she went up to her room.

She was trying really hard not to freak out; although she had met Haerin a few months ago, the thought of her owning a gun never crossed her mind.

Danielle decided to take a walk because she couldn't sleep; when she got to Maverick Park, she heard some noises in the woods, but instead of going into the forest, she hid in between the playground.

After a few seconds of nothing coming out, she decided to walk into the forest; luckily, the light shone enough to see the middle, and that's where she saw Haerin hiding a gun in a hole.

She immediately walked back carefully toward the playground, and after a bit of waiting, Haerin came out of the forest.

Danielle followed Haerin from quite a far distance because she didn't want to get caught; now she was in her room, unable to sleep again.

'Haerin probably found it and decided to hide it so no one else could take it; she's a good person, right?'

'Then again, murders have been happening, and at the location of a few of them, bullets have been found. Could it be that Haerin is behind all of them? But she's around my age; there's no way someone like her could commit all those horrible things.'

'I can't just go to the police and blame someone without evidence. If Haerin is innocent, she doesn't deserve the stress of having to prove that she isn't guilty over a misunderstanding.'

'I'll confront her next time I see her. I still have a feeling that she's behind all the murders, but I hope she isn't, though.'

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Hanni opened her eyes slowly; the sun shone brightly through an uncovered part of the window.

Minji was hugging her in a protective manner even though she was still in a deep sleep.

"Minji, you have to let go. It's already getting late." Hanni whispered, then tapped Minji's hand.

"But I want to stay like this longer." Minji whispered back, hugging Hanni a bit tighter.

"I know, I do too, but we have to get up and go see the apartment we'll be living in during college." Minji sighed and let go of the hug. Hanni got up and put on her clothes, then went to the bathroom.

Minji picked up her phone; it was already 8 almost 9. She stood up and grabbed her boxers and pants, putting them on.

She walked toward her closet and picked a comfortable outfit placing it on the bed.

Hanni walked out of the bathroom wearing a towel around her body while brushing her teeth. She grabbed her clothes and started to change into them.

"Don't forget to take the pill." Minji reminded, then walked into the bathroom to get ready.

Hanni finished getting ready, then grabbed the pill and went downstairs to get a cup of water.

As she finished taking the pill, Mrs.Kim came out of nowhere.

"I see you being careful; that's good, you took my word." Mrs.Kim smiled.

"Yeah, I don't want to get you guys worried." Hanni placed the empty glass in the sink.

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