Next Victim

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Chapter Four: Next Victim

Hanni walked inside her house as Minji drove off.

Mrs.Pham was in the kitchen washing dishes.

"You're back, Hanni. Where's Minji?" Mrs.Pham asked as she dried a cup.

"She had to go home, but did Dad leave already?" Hanni replied as she walked near her mother.

"He left a few minutes ago; he'll come back home late today because the company is lacking employees." Mrs.Pham said, then dried her hands.

"I want to talk to you about something though." Mrs.Pham added.

Hanni and her mother walked to the couch and sat beside each other.

"I went into your room after you left because I had to get some cleaning supplies in your bathroom, and I saw some suspicious things." Mrs.Pham started.

Hanni started to panic inside.

"First, why were Minji's clothes from yesterday on the floor with yours?" Mrs.Pham asked.

As Hanni was about to answer, her mother interrupted.

"And your cover that was in the dirty laundry had blood stains. What did you guys do last night?" Mrs.Pham continued.

Hanni stayed silent, which made her mother more suspicious of her.

"I want you to be honest with me." Mrs.Pham finished.

"Minji and I- we, um, we... slept together." Hanni replied, mid-whispering the last two words.

"You guys did what!?" Mrs.Pham yelled in disbelief.

"Hanni, you not only promised your dad and me, but God; you let lust take over you!" Mrs.Pham added angrily.

"Mom, you don't understand Minji and I love each other; we might not be married, but I promise you, she'd do anything for me!" Hanni replied, trying to clarify her feelings.

"Go to your room! When your dad gets back home, we'll discuss this." Mrs.Pham said upsetly.

Hanni let out a deep sigh before getting up and then going to her room.

She opened the door angrily and slammed it shut, tossing herself on the bed.

Hanni took her pillow and hugged as she cried.

As time passed, Hanni felt tired from crying, making her fall asleep.

A few hours later, she woke up to a loud knocking on her door and her father calling for her.

Hanni got up tiredly and opened her door.

Her father stood angrily with her mother standing next to him.

"You're mother just told me what you did with Minji, so if you believe so much that she truly loves you, then she'll let you stay at her house; if you can't follow our rules, you're moving out." Her father ordered.

"What?" Hanni questioned, surprised.

"You're not living here anymore; you can live with Minji, Danielle, or any other person that you trust." Her father added.

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