Body In A Ditch

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Chapter Six: Body In A Ditch

Hanni stirred awake when she heard the TV playing.

Minji was watching the news, meaning it was already past 6.

"You're finally awake." Minji turned around and said.

Hanni nodded slowly, still feeling tired.

When the sleepiness almost fully went away, she started to pay attention to what was being told in the news.

At first, it was just about the weather and whatever politics were going on, but then it switched to a much darker subject.

'Today, another student from Forest Lake High School has been found dead. The body of Marie Williams was found in a ditch near Rosewood Park by another student of Forest Lake High School. The student was walking her dog around when suddenly her dog started to bark at something; she decided to walk towards that area but found the body already decomposing. The police have just now decided to do an investigation into all of the murders. If you know anything that can help in this case, contact the police immediately.'

"God, another student." Hanni whispered.

"7 total people now." Minji said.

"Who can have the heart, soul, and mind to do that?" Hanni asked sadly.

"Maybe people who aren't okay, especially mentally." Minji suggested.

"They really shouldn't take out their hatred towards things happening in their lives on others who don't even know them." Hanni added.

"You're at least safe, Hanni; I promise no one and nothing will ever hurt you." Minji said, then kissed Hanni's head.

"I hope it always stays that way." Hanni replied softly.

"It will; I'll always keep you safe no matter what." Minji added.

"What do you want to do today?" Minji asked as she turned off the TV.

"It's going to rain for the rest of the week, but I want to go pick up the rest of my stuff at my parent's house." Hanni replied, then lay back down on the bed.

"We can go later when it calms down if you want." Minji suggested as she lay down too.

"Okay, but I'll text them later to ask if I can go." Hanni said, then hugged Minji's neck.

Minji hugged Hanni's waist as she felt her eyelids become heavier.

Soon, they were both asleep again.

-ˏ͛⑅ ‧̥̥͙‧̥̥ ̥ ̮ ̥ ⊹ ‧̫‧ ⊹ ̥ ̮ ̥ ‧̥̥‧̥̥͙ ⑅ˏ͛-

Haerin scrolled through her phone as she sat at her gaming desk, waiting for the game to finish updating.

Suddenly, she remembered what Minji had told her last night; she was finally dating Hanni.

Since Minji had given her permission to tell Hyein, she decided now was the perfect time.


7:15 AM
Hyein, guess what Minji told me yesterday.

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