Bloody Hands

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Chapter Twenty: Bloody Hands

"I guess you caught me."

Danielle wanted to cry and run away, but Haerin was blocking her way, and for some reason, her body wouldn't move; it was like she was paralyzed.

Haerin grabbed Danielle's chin, making the older girl look straight at her. "Don't even think about telling anyone about this because if you do, you'll end up just like the rest."

"Why did you do it?" Danielle whispered.

"You wouldn't understand; you're too naive, and I would much rather you stay that way." Haerin let go of Danielle's chin softly.

"I might be naive, but I want to help you, Haerin." Danielle said in her normal voice.

"Why do you want to help me? I've decided to stop; I won't keep doing that anymore." Haerin furrowed her eyebrows in confusion; no one had ever said that to her.

Danielle took hold of Haerin's hand. "I know about the pain you hide; let me be that person that sets you free from it, please. I hate seeing people hurting."

"If you want, I'll keep my mouth shut, but let me help you become a better person, not only for those around you but for yourself." Danielle added desperately.

"You don't know what you're getting yourself into, Danielle; either way, you won't speak about this at all." Haerin backed away slowly.

"Just go home, Danielle." Haerin turned around and walked away.

Instead of chasing after her, Danielle waited for a few minutes until Haerin was out of sight, then started to walk back home slowly.

Although at first Danielle's instinct was to get away from Haerin as far as possible, something in her mind switched, and she wanted to help her.

Throughout her life, Danielle has always helped others, no matter if it was big or small; even if she didn't get a reward, she was still happy and grateful she had helped someone.

Now, for the first time, she was confused about whether she wanted to help a person or not.

Ever since she could remember knowing about Haerin, something always seemed off in her family; now, not long ago, she had concluded that Haerin's family didn't treat her the best, and the mistreatment came from her father.

Maybe that was the only reason she volunteered to help Haerin, or was there something else she still needed to figure out?

Either way, it didn't change the fact that she could keep the murders committed by Haerin a secret and be safe or be able to risk her life just to expose the truth.

'I need to get both sides of the story, and maybe later I can do what's right by exposing Haerin.'

-ˏ͛⑅ ‧̥̥͙‧̥̥ ̥ ̮ ̥ ⊹ ‧̫‧ ⊹ ̥ ̮ ̥ ‧̥̥‧̥̥͙ ⑅ˏ͛-

By the time Haerin was home and in bed, lightning flashed, and thunder could be heard, soon followed by raindrops.

She hoped Danielle had made it home before the storm started.

Now, she was only thinking about the girl; she didn't mean what she had said to threaten her, but that was the only way to get her to keep her mouth shut.

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