The News [M]

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Chapter Five: The News

As Minji played with her car keys, she heard footsteps getting closer.

It was Haerin.

"For once, you're not the last to get here." Minji said as Haerin walked in.

"Where's Hyein?" Minji asked as she stood up; she had been sitting on a wooden box.

"I don't know; she told me she was coming." Haerin replied.

"Maybe she's running late?" Minji questioned.

"Maybe, but it's already time to start with our plan." Haerin said as she leaned her back on the wall.

"Alright, we'll start without Hyein; let's just hope she meets us later." Minji added, then grabbed her backpack.

They walked out of the house carefully and walked; hiding behind bushes and trees until Haerin received a message from Hyein.


7:32 PM
Guys, change of plans; I just saw her go near the park instead of the beach where we thought she'd go.

7:32 PM
I'll meet you guys near the gas station that's not far from the park.

7:33 PM
Okay, Minji and I are on our way.

"Hyein just texted me; she said Marie is going to the park and not the beach." Haerin said as she put her phone back in her pocket.

"I thought you made sure she was going to the beach." Minji asked.

"I did, but I think her friends canceled on her; you know she's a bitch." Haerin replied as they continued walking.

"Yeah, she is; I don't know how anyone can stand her." Minji added.

"We'll get your car after, right?" Haerin asked as they got closer to the gas station.

"Uh huh, I'll drive you guys back home today, but have I told you?" Minji replied, then asked.

"You haven't told me any interesting news, so no." Haerin answered.

"Hanni and I are dating; if you want, you can tell Hyein after all of this." Minji revealed.

"Damn, you beat me, but congrats. When did you guys start?" Haerin asked intruiged.

"Let's just say it was after a great night that I spent with her." Minji replied playfully.

"Shit, you beat me to that too?" Haerin asked, surprised.

"Yep, suck it up." Minji replied tauntly.

Haerin gave a judgemental look at Minji as they continued walking.

They walked for a few more hundred feet until they saw Hyein waiting inside the gas station.

Once Hyein saw them, she walked out and made her way towards them.

"You had us worried for a bit, Hyein; we thought you dropped out last minute." Haerin said as Hyein got closer.

"Nah, I just decided to follow her." Hyein replied.

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