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Chapter Fifteen: NITROUS
*Play song later *

The room was dark, but Hyein quickly acknowledged it was her room.

She slowly got up and rubbed her eyes, getting rid of the lingering sleepiness.

The clock read 2:12 AM.

She walked to her window and checked outside.

All seemed normal, except she felt that it wasn't.

Hyein walked out of her room and went to the kitchen to grab a glass of water.

She quickly drank the water and then placed the empty glass in the sink.

But something in the back of her head told her to walk out of the house and go toward the forest nearby.

The thought sounded crazy.

Why would she need to go to the forest at this hour? What could be so important? And most of all, why was this thought in her head?

"Fuck it." Hyein mumbled, then walked to the front door, unlocking and opening it slowly so as to not wake up her family.

She stepped outside and then closed the door quietly.

Luckily, the streetlights were on, so it was bright enough to see well.

Hyein walked to the nearby forest in her pajamas.

The forest was next to Maverick Park, so it was a short walk.

As she walked deeper into the forest, she realized the park lights would not illuminate the forest well.

"Please fucking tell me I grabbed my phone." Hyein whispered as she checked her pockets.

Although she had walked in the freezing cold for a bit, she was still half asleep, making her brain foggy.

She checked her left pocket, but no phone, then her right pocket, there it was.

"Yes." Hyein whispered in celebration as she turned on the flashlight.

The forest was dark, even with the light shining through it. There were some parts that were pitch black.

Hyein looked around, shining the light as far as she could without moving much, but the more she saw, the more fear started to build up in her.

"Don't be a pussy, you can do it. You are fine as fuck and really smart." Hyein whispered to herself, trying to shake off the fear.

When she built up the courage, she started to walk deeper.

The sounds of the leaves crunching under her feet and her uneasy breathing were heard clearly.

Somehow, no animal sounds were heard.

Once she got about a quarter of the way in, since the forest wasn't that big, she noticed something unusual for a place filled with nature.

Five stuffed animals in the same area but on different sides.

"What the fuck?" Hyein mumbled as she looked closer at them.

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