The Cliff

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Chapter One: The Cliff

Haerin fumbled with her phone to turn off her alarm.

When she turned it off, she got up and picked her clothes from the closet, then walked to the bathroom to take a shower.

Once she was finished, she put on her clothes; a white sweatshirt, white sweatpants, and white grey Air Maxes SC.

She walked out of the bathroom, and went downstairs to the kitchen, then sat down at the dining table.

"What happened? Why do you have a cut on your lip and your forehead?" Her father asked.

"I just fell at school; it's not a big deal." Haerin responded.

"Well, I checked your grades, and all of them are good except math and reading; care to explain why?" Her father said and asked.

"Dad, in math, I have an 85, and in reading, I have an 87; they aren't bad grades; there are kids who are failing them; I'm at least passing." Haerin responded, then started to eat her scrambled eggs.

"Haerin, you know very well I want you to have a 97 or higher in all your classes; all of them are at that level except math and reading. I want you to go to one of the best colleges for whatever you wish to do in the future." Her father said, then drank his coffee.

"Dad, not all good colleges need you to have a 4.0 GPA, and I'm working on getting those grades up to a 90 or higher this week; it's just my teachers haven't made extra credit work." Haerin responded, annoyed.

"Then ask them to make you some; I need those grades up by next week, or I won't let you play those stupid video games; they are the ones shifting your focus from school." Her father said, then stood up to put his dirty dishes in the sink.

Haerin finished her breakfast and put her plate, fork, and glass in the sink as well.

As her dad was sitting on the couch waiting for the news to come on, she grabbed her water bottle, and filled it up, then put it in her backpack.

'Good Morning, it's Tuesday, March 19th, 2024; today at 4 in the morning, the body of Aoi Yamamoto was found near a cliff by a group of cyclists police arrived at the scene immediately and did an investigation; it seems she had been killed by an injection containing potassium chloride to the neck and had been raped the police found more than one DNA sample inside the girl which makes finding this killer or now believed by the police as a group of killers harder to find. The police have now talked to the principals of the elementary, middle, and high schools of the city to cancel classes due to the past victims being minors; the principals have now called off classes for the next couple of weeks until the killers have been caught; so students have to now take online classes, they will start tomorrow to let everyone adjust; stay safe and if you see anything contact the police immediately.'

"How cruel she got raped before dying; whoever has been committing these murders should be put in prison or be killed." Haerin's father said.

'If only you knew, Dad, that Minji and I raped her and that I killed her.' she thought.

"I'll go back to my room and send an email to my teachers if I can do extra work online." Haerin said then walked up the stairs.

When she got to her room she emailed her math and reading teacher and then called Minji.

"Hey, Minji; how have you- oh my god, you look like a mess." Haerin said as Minji answered the Facetime call.

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