Safety Galore

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Chapter Ten: Safety Galore

While Danielle was in the dining room with her sister and mom, she overheard the news on the TV.

'Moving to more serious topics, today a family living in the NetherBrooke apartment complex found limbs and a full body of 4 different students from Forest Lake Highschool hanging from a nearby tree. What's different this time about any previous murder is that a note was left, but police tried to recover fingerprints, but none were left on the paper. The note read, "I am quiet but powerful. A whisper can change the world. I can be found all around you, but you may never see me. What am I?" The police have tried to solve the riddle, but there could be various answers. As of now, school will continue to be online until further notice. If you know anything on this case, contact the police immediately.'

"Danielle, when you are allowed to have in-person classes, do you want to attend or stay online?" Mrs.Marsh asked, then took a sip of her coffee.

"I'll go in person; I don't think I will survive online classes by then." Danielle replied.

"Aren't your classes starting soon?" Her sister Olivia asked.

"The teachers canceled classes today because they have a meeting." Danielle replied as she got up from the dining chair.

"At this point, those teachers aren't even teaching your classmates and you; they keep canceling them since they started." Olivia complained.

"I know, but that's because students keep turning up dead; they are trying to give us 'breaks' to take all of it in healthily." Danielle put her plate, fork, and glass in the sink and then went back to her sister and mom.

"Anyway, how's Hanni? I went by a few days ago to her parent's house, but she wasn't there." Mrs.Marsh asked once Danielle sat back down.

"Well, she um, got kicked out of their house because of something, so now she's staying at Minji's, but she's fine." Danielle replied, trying to avoid the topic.

Danielle knew why Hanni was kicked out, but if she told her mom, there might be a chance she would ask Danielle to stay away from Hanni.

After all, something that made them closer friends was that their parents met at church and became friends, then introduced Hanni to her.

Her mom might freak out after finding out that Hanni isn't as 'pure' as she used to be, but to Danielle, it doesn't matter.

Hanni is her best friend, and no one is perfect, so why should their friendship end just because of something her parents don't like about Hanni?

And just as Danielle prayed that her mother wouldn't ask the reason, that was the next thing to come out of her mouth.

"What did Hanni do that was so bad? She seems like a good kid." Mrs.Marsh asked.

"It's a long story, but I'm tired right now Mom; I'll tell you guys later." Danielle replied, then got up and went to her room.

Danielle went inside her room and sat on her study chair.

She opened her message app and started to text Hanni.


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