Have You Heard?

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Chapter Eleven: Have You Heard?

Haerin got out of the bathroom after getting dressed and then headed downstairs.

"Where are you going, honey?" Mrs.Kang asked.

"Minji and Hyein asked me if I could hang out; you already gave me permission yesterday." Haerin turned around and then replied.

"Oh yes, I totally forgot; it's just that your sister is coming back from camp. I've been busy planning something for her, but you can go now." Mrs.Kang said, then got back to cooking.

Haerin stepped outside of the house and started walking.

Yesterday, her parents got a call from her younger sister; she announced that she was going back home.

Her sister had attended an Honor camp, she was part of a small group of students who got selected by the state.

Some other people who got selected were Minji's younger sister and Hanni's younger sister.

All she knew about the camp was that they took the group on field trips to educational sites and made them do advanced work.

Haerin was happy to finally see her sister, but now she had to be more careful not to get caught.

Usually, when she'd do something wrong, all she needed to do was pay her sister $20 or buy her food so she wouldn't tell her parents.

Now, if she was caught murdering people, there would be no way for her to silence her sister.

As Haerin walked to the park in the neighborhood, she saw Minji Hanni and Hyein talking.

"Hey Haerin!" Hanni greeted, which made Minji and Hyein stop their conversation and turn.

Haerin waved back in response and sat on a set of stairs for the slide.

"Where's Danielle? She's taking a little too long." Hyein complained as she took her phone out to check the time.

"I don't know, but let's give her five more minutes, and if she doesn't show up, we'll check up on her." Hanni replied as she looked at Dani's house.

'Danielle's hanging out with us today!? Oh my god.' Haerin thought.

The last time she hung out with Danielle was when she tutored her, and since then, they'd only text each other.

Haerin shook her head, trying to get back to her usual self.

Hyein noticed her movements and gave her a weird look.

After about two minutes, Danielle ran toward them with her Celine bag in hand.

"Sorry I'm a bit late; I kept singing in the shower, and I had a small talk with my mom and sister." Danielle apologized when she was in front of them.

"It's fine, Dani; now we can go to the mall." Hanni reassured and got up.

The five of them started to walk to Minji's car, which was parked at a bit of a long distance, still at Minji's house.

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