Eating Dinner With The New Girl

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Chapter Twelve: Eating Dinner With The New Girl

A knock was heard from the front door; Danielle got up from the couch and opened it.

"Hey, Danielle." Minji and Hanni greeted at the same time.

"Hey guys, come in." Danielle moved aside to let Minji and Hanni come in, then closed the door.

"Where's Haerin? She told me she was coming." Danielle asked as they walked to the living room.

"She'll come coon, she texted me that she was still getting ready." Minji replied as she sat next to Hanni on the couch.

Danielle sat on the other couch across from Minji and Hanni.

"Oh hey, when did you guys show up?" Hyein asked as she stepped out of the kitchen.

"Just now, what were you doing in the kitchen?" Minji asked.

"I was helping Mrs.Aiko and her daughter cook and set up the table." Hyein replied as she walked closer to them.

"I want to know more about them. I'm curious." Hanni added.

"You will while we eat dinner with them." Hyein said.

Another knock was heard on the door; Hyein walked over to the door and opened it.

Haerin stood, taking her Airpods out of her ears and putting them back in her case.

"Hey." Hyein greeted as Haerin came in.

"Hey." Haerin mumbled dryly, then walked over to the rest of the group.

"You're not excited to meet new people?" Hyein asked as she walked next to Haerin.

"Yeah, I am actually; where are they?" Haerin responded as she looked around; only Minji, Hanni, Danielle, and Hyein were in sight.

"They're in the kitchen, we can go in there already. Mrs. Aiko's husband will come soon from the store he went to buy some vegetables and snacks," Hyein added.

The five of them walked into the kitchen; Mrs.Aiko was still preparing some food while Eunjin sat at the dining table.

"Oh great, all of you guys are here now. Go ahead and sit with Eunjin; I'm almost done with the chicken." Mrs.Aiko said when she noticed them.

They sat at the dining table, Minji, Hanni, and Eunjin sat on one side while Danielle, Haerin, and Hyein sat on the other.

"Eunjin, introduce yourself to the other girls." Mrs.Aiko reminded Eunjin.

Eunjin turned to her mother and then to the new girls.

"I'm Eunjin Aiko; I'm 15 and half Japanese on my dad's side and half Korean on my mom's side. I hope we can be friends." Eunjin said shyly, as she looked down at the table.

When she looked back up, she was met with soft smiles from the other girls.

"We'll be good friends, I can already tell. Welcome to the group." Hanni replied.

Eunjin smiled back and then started to fidget with her fingers.

She didn't really know how to make friends, but with them, she felt at ease.

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