Chapter 1

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The subway after five or six o'clock on a Friday afternoon is so crowded that it's almost unbelievable. People who work and go to school are all hanging out with their friends after the week is over.

Ji Wangshu has always disliked taking the subway. There are too many people in the subway. Even if the air conditioner is turned on and the temperature is suitable all year round, he can always smell all kinds of odors. Anyway, it's not like he has no conditions. Of course, it's most convenient to drive in whichever car.

But today there was a rare accident. The car couldn't drive. I wanted to take a taxi but couldn't wait for a long time to get one. There happened to be a subway station nearby, so he decided to try it out.

He was forced to squeeze into the subway along with the crowd. He was almost suffocated by the crowd and could not go back even if he regretted it. I can only shrink my body and avoid physical contact with others, then listen attentively to the station announcement, and pray that I can squeeze in smoothly when I arrive at the station.

Because he couldn't take out his cell phone, he could only stand there in a daze. Fortunately, there was no strange smell around him this time, so he could tolerate it. Just when he was bored, he suddenly smelled a faint and refreshing smell. It wasn't like a perfume, it seemed to be clean and refreshing like soap locust, and he couldn't help but search for the source of this smell.

Then, he saw a young man carrying a schoolbag standing not far in front of him. He was still wearing his school uniform and standing obediently. He was probably a high school student who had a weekend break.

The young man has a jade-like face, clean and bright eyes, and a tall and straight posture. But the most rare thing is that he has a clean aura that has not been contaminated by the world. At first glance, he looks like a simple and ignorant student.

Ji Wangshu couldn't help but his eyes lit up. Just then, a subway station arrived. There were many people going up and down. Under his intentional actions, he had already stood in front of the young man.

As soon as he got close, the young man's tall body covered him, and the scent he smelled at the tip of his nose suddenly became more abundant, making him unable to help but be fascinated by it.

Wow... Such a handsome and innocent little brother is simply his favorite!

The young man carrying his schoolbag lowered his head slightly and saw a handsome young man smiling at him, which made him blush immediately and he couldn't help but tilt his head slightly.

Ji Wangshu was very satisfied with the young man's reaction. She licked her lips, then turned her body slightly, placing her round and straight buttocks between the young man's legs, and rubbed them intentionally or unintentionally with the flow of people.

The boy was still an unexperienced high school student, so he had never experienced anything like this. When he felt the fleshy buttocks rubbing against his body, it took him almost no time to get hard, and an embarrassing bulge appeared between his school pants.

The young man thought about the friendly smile that the young man had given him just now, so he turned around and pressed that part of his body against her. It was really too much. He wanted to step back, at least not stick so closely, but as soon as he took a step, he was impatiently pushed forward by the person behind him, and he immediately pressed closer.

It's over...he must have found out!

The young man saw that the young man turned to look at him again, looking at him with a hint of shock and disbelief in his eyes, which made him even more ashamed, but he couldn't control his physiological reaction, and he almost wanted to die on the spot.

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