Eat original JB in the lounge, separated by a wall doi(h)

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          "Shu Shu, would you like to take a taxi back later?"

  After receiving the award, the two of them walked back to the lounge. After all, the gym was too noisy. And Cheng Kai has a golden medal hanging on his chest. With this, all he needs to do next is to seriously improve his academic performance.

  "Well, what about you? With the school bus?"

  "Of course I'm with you. After the game, the teacher doesn't care where we go. Just ask us to remember to go back to school tomorrow."

  Pushing open the door of the lounge, there was no one inside. Because the high jump competition is relatively late, most people go back after completing their own events, and some may still compete in the venue or on the playground outside.

  There was a changing room in the lounge. Although he had been honest with Wang Shu countless times, he was still a little embarrassed and was going to change clothes inside.

  But as soon as he took off his sportswear and was about to wipe the sweat off his body, a pair of arms wrapped around his waist from behind, and their hands were folded between his waist and abdomen.

  Just by smelling the smell, he knew who was behind him. He whispered in an embarrassed voice: "Shu Shu, please let go first. I'm covered in sweat and dirty."

  Ji Wangshu ignored him and buried her head in the boy's broad space. On his back, he took a deep breath of the rich smell of sweat, and then said: "It's not dirty, I like this smell very much."

  The smell that symbolized hormones and youthful blood already made him feel itchy, and he couldn't help but think of it. The scene where Cheng Kai was burying his head and bone in him with sweat pouring down on him.

  Cheng Kai's face turned even redder, "What does this smell like?" He said this, but when he felt the breath on his back, he knew that Wang Shu was breathing his scent, and his body was particularly enjoying it, "

  Well. "Ji Wangshu rubbed her lips on her back again, stained with a little sweat. Then she licked her lips and tasted a slightly salty taste.

  "Should I give our champion a reward?"

  "Are there any rewards?" Cheng Kai's tone became surprised.

  "Of course."

  Ji Wangshu turned to Cheng Kai, stood on tiptoes and kissed the closed lips, then slowly squatted down under the burning gaze, and leaned her face on the boy's thigh. , looking at the big baby that was still weak hidden in the thick grass, he smiled and blew lightly.

  Cheng Kai immediately understood what he was going to do, and he wanted to pull him up in a panic, "No, Shu Shu, it won't be good if someone comes in and sees me." "It doesn't matter,

  you can pull me up." Just block it." Ji Wangshu looked unconcerned, then put the tip of his nose close and only smelled it lightly. The rich smell of fishy smell mixed with sweat hit his face, domineering and powerful, and instantly squeezed away the other air, filling his entire nose with this smell.

  "Hmm...Xiao Kai, you smell so strong."

  "Dirty, can you wait until I go back to wash you before you eat?" Cheng Kai had already turned sideways to block the only entrance, but he still persisted in persuading.

  "No." Ji Wangshu reached out and wrapped his penis directly, brought it to his mouth, and licked it a few times nonchalantly, "I just like to eat your original big cock."

  After saying that, he didn't care that Cheng Kai's breath was stagnant. He directly opened his small mouth and took the glans into his mouth, and gently licked the surface with the tip of his tongue, especially the rich-tasting horse's eye. The huge penis stretched his mouth into a circle, and even though he hadn't taken the whole thing in, he still felt the swelling in his mouth was a little uncomfortable.

  Looking at the beautiful young man kneeling under him, he looked up at himself with innocent eyes, but his mouth was holding his penis, licking it with relish and sucking it like a lollipop. non-stop. Cheng Kai's lower body became hard almost immediately, opening his already round mouth even wider.

  His chest heaved violently and he was breathing heavily. The soft and slippery touch made him reluctant to push it away. Finally he couldn't help but put his hand on the soft hair and stroked it gently as if to encourage her.

  Ji Wangshu sucked harder and harder, her small tongue taking care of every nook and cranny of the part in her mouth, the tip of her tongue swirled around her genitals, and her hands rubbed the parts that were not in her mouth. He was obviously being licked by someone else, so normally he shouldn't feel any pleasure, but when he felt the genitals in his mouth twitching slightly, and the boy's crotch in front of him was getting close to his face, the holes in his lower body still moved unconsciously. It became wet and my cock became hard.

  He raised his eyes and looked at the young man struggling to restrain himself. Even though he was extremely uncomfortable, he still only penetrated one glans with great forbearance at a time, and could only rely on his hands to rub the rest of the shaft. After thinking about it, he suddenly took the penis in his mouth and swallowed it deep into his mouth. But even though it had been swallowed into the throat, a large section of the thick and long genitals was still exposed.

  Ji Wangshu still didn't stop, she contracted her throat and continued to take it in. Under normal circumstances, he doesn't really like deepthroating people. Not to mention the discomfort in his throat, it's far from the pleasure of fucking someone's hole. He only has some inner pleasure of being abused.

  Cheng Kai was startled when he came into contact with the tight and contracted throat, only to realize that Ji Wangshu had swallowed most of his penis, even deep into his throat.

  Seeing that the young man's cheeks were already sunken, he said in a hoarse voice: "Shu Shu, stop sucking, you don't have to swallow it all, you will be hurt." He couldn't imagine how such a narrow throat could hold his penis. Swallow it.

  Ke Wangshu seemed to turn a blind eye to his stop. He even felt that the throat that entered was contracting more violently, and his genitals were slowly entering inch by inch. The intense pleasure made him have to suppress himself and fuck in violently. Overcome by impulse, he just stood there and allowed Wang Shu to move. It wasn't until the boy's flushed face was completely buried in his lower body, and the thick pubic hair was pierced on his fair face, that he finally breathed a sigh of relief, and his entire penis had entered.

  The young man took his hand and touched the slender neck. Unlike usual, there was an obvious bulge on that part, and he could feel the shape of his genitals in the throat. After swallowing his saliva, his cock couldn't help but throbbed. Through the thin layer of skin, he could see,

  "Cough...cough!" Such a thick and hard guy was stuck directly in his throat and he ejaculated. Ji Wangshu I choked and coughed a few times.

  "Speaking of which, did you smell a strange smell inside after you came in? Everyone knows that smell." "

  Well, it's a drug, the magic potion of love. If you haven't, 

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