Hooking up with the villain, being turned upside down

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"Of course I know, he is Mr. Yan Weiyan!" Ji Wangshu's feet were no longer touching the ground, and she was directly held in the man's arms, looking at the three of them with an innocent face.

  "But he -!"

  "What's wrong with me?" Yan Wei interrupted the reckless boy and asked with dangerous eyes.

  Xuan Lin raised his hand and stopped the young man who wanted to continue. He only looked directly at the person in his arms, "Ji Wangshu, I think you know very well who you have chosen. You should be more sensible. , don't do something that will make you regret just for the sake of anger, it's still too late to regret it."

  Ji Wangshu had a ridiculous look on his face, looking back at the gentle and jade-like young man, "Are you teaching me how to do things? Besides, Yan Sir, he is good-looking, I am very satisfied."

  "Yes, he has good taste." Yan Wei looked at the deflated appearance of the two people and was very satisfied. He gave them a contemptuous smile and hugged the people in his arms tighter.

  "Ji Wangshu, what are you proud of? You're just a MB, just for sale. You take yourself too seriously!" Someone suddenly spoke in the hall, and it was easy to hear the other person's mentality from the jealous tone.

  Ji Wangshu just leaned on the man's shoulder lazily, without any shame, "Yes, I am indeed here to sell, but I don't like bean sprouts like you. Besides, I'm afraid you won't be able to sell bean sprouts like this." Take it!"

  "You——!" The man was so angry that he couldn't speak, and watched the two people disappear in front of him.


  two of them went back to the room all the way, and Ji Wangshu was thrown on the soft big bed. But the man standing in front of the bed made no next move. Instead, he lit a cigarette and asked quietly, "Why did you choose me?"

  Ji Wangshu knew that if she chose anyone present today, she would not have such a reaction. The only exception is Yan Wei, because he is the main villain in the original book.

  Even though Yan Wei is now worth a trillion dollars, she is the current leader of the Yan family. She has status, money, and power. Of course, she is the favored son of heaven in the eyes of everyone. But few people know that Yan Wei was once just an illegitimate child who was brought back to the Yan family when he was a teenager.

  So even though the Bo family, the Yan family, and the Xuan family should be on the same level in terms of family background, that group of people excluded Yan Wei intentionally or unintentionally. Because, as legitimate legitimate children, they look down upon illegitimate children at all.

  If Yan Wei is still just a little illegitimate child as before, and he will look down on him if he is looked down upon, who will make the decision for him? But who knew that the Yan family would end up in the hands of an illegitimate son. With ability, of course he wants to take revenge on some people who once looked down on him and ignored him. This is normal.

  However, Bo Yi obviously just ignored Yan Wei in the past and did not do anything specifically. But Yan Wei seems to be in conflict with Bo Yi, and she targets Bo Yi in everything. After inheriting the Yan family, the two families directly started fighting. Even if they lose a thousand to themselves, they will hurt you eight hundred, like a madman.

  Of course, if such a big villain dares to go against the male protagonist, there will be no good ending in the original plot. Even if the company was robbed by someone, it would be reduced to a beggar, and everyone would be betrayed and separated from their relatives.

  Wait, having said that, it seems that the ending of the original owner is more miserable.

  Therefore, Ji Wangshu chose Yan Wei, of course it still has its own purpose. Because he also feels unhappy with the male protagonist. The enemy of his enemy is his friend. They can definitely stand in the same camp and cause some trouble for the male protagonist.

  He had no intention of hiding it and answered very frankly: "Well, because I know you don't like Bo Yi, and I happen to be the same way."

  Yan Wei raised an eyebrow and smiled, "You don't like Bo Yi? Don't you love him so much? Can't help yourself? I heard that you have another one on your chest..." His eyes fell on the exposed chest, and the name originally engraved on it could no longer be seen.

  Ji Wangshu held up her breasts and brought them to Yan Wei's eyes, "As you can see, that's a thing of the past."

  He hooked his fingers around the waistband of the man's trousers and opened them slightly, looking up at the man standing beside the bed, his voice beguiling, "I I don't need Mr. Yan to do anything for me, but if Bo Yi and the others come to make things difficult for me again, just protect me." The

  charming beauty knelt down beside the bed, coquettishly speaking to him, her charming eyes were like silk, and she just To seek his protection. No man can refuse such a gesture.

  Pushing the person down on the bed, Yan Wei's palms began to caress the delicate skin of the person under her uncontrollably, "Has Bo Yi slept with you?"

  "No..." Ji Wangshu opened her body completely and let it go. The man's hands gradually explored his private parts.

  Yan Wei sneered, "Then he's really a fool."

  Just smelling the body fragrance of the person in his arms, he was already ready to make a move. I really don't know how that guy Bo Yi resisted touching him. He couldn't do it. . But now, he has taken advantage of it.

  He reached behind his back and unbuttoned the bra, and the bra fell directly, and the bound balls bounced directly in front of his eyes. He had seen it right when he was in the hall just now, even the nipples were pink.

  He suddenly sucked the erect nipples into his mouth, as if he had put a hard pebble into his mouth. He couldn't help but fiddle with it with the tip of his tongue, and sucked it with his lips and tongue. The breasts were indeed as soft and elastic as he imagined. Once he put his hands on them, he couldn't bear to move them away. He pinched the hard nipples between his fingers and rubbed the breasts vigorously.

  He left traces of his saliva on the rose flower, sniffed the faint fragrance of milk, buried his head in his chest and kept arching, pecked and kissed the young man's breasts and lower abdomen, and soon they were covered with kiss marks. . The originally fair skin was stained with traces of lust because of him, which was already tempting enough. In addition, he thought that now was the time and

  then he smiled again, "Your penis is not small yet. Have you ever penetrated a woman?" Although he asked this question, looking at the light pink and clean color, he knew that this cock was Not used at all.

  The one in possession was Bo Yi's former fiancé, which made him even more excited.

  "Ah... so comfortable..." Finally being licked to her satisfaction, Ji Wangshu raised her head and moaned in satisfaction, enjoying the pleasure of the rough tongue coating scraping across his delicate labia and the soft flesh of her vagina.

  Seeing the flower hole trembling slightly under his gaze due to his blowing, it was so beautiful that it was beyond words. He couldn't produce any resistance, so he stretched out the tip of his tongue very naturally and lightly licked the flower hole. The tender and smooth taste is not inferior to that of breast meat, and the reaction of the pussy trembling slightly after being licked by him is also very cute. He can't help but lick it.

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