Chapter 8

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The next period was physical education class, and the teacher basically ignored them. After running twolaps and doing some warm-up, they were allowed to disperse and play around. 

The sun was a bit strong today. As soon as Cheng Kai saw Ji Wangshu squinting his eyes and extendinghis hand to block the sun, he knew that he didn't like to bask in the sun.

 I went to the equipment room to borrowa table tennis racket and prepared to play table tennis in the gymnasium.The gymnasium was extremely cool and there were very few people. Most of the boys were playingbasketball outside, while most of the girls went back to the classroom.

 After playing for a while, Ji Wangshubecame impatient and found a corner with cushions to sit down and rest. He also put his legs on Cheng Kai whowas sitting beside him. 

Cheng Kai knew that Wang Shu's legs might be sore from running just now, so he took the initiative tohelp rub his calves. At first, he simply wanted to help relieve the soreness after exercise, but when he heard theboy's laughter while staring at the phone, his eyes involuntarily fell on the bright red lips, and the movements ofhis hands also changed.

 Slowed down.Ji Wangshu was very sensitive to such gazes. She rolled her eyes, raised her head from the phone, andsaid in a seductive tone: 

"What, do you want to kiss me again?"

 Cheng Kai nodded very honestly, and the next second he saw the young man getting up and comingcloser. He quickly moved away and looked anxiously at the people in the venue. 

"Don't be here, others will see you." He didn't care, but for someone like him... how would others visitShu. 

"Then let's go to the dance studio in the back."

 There are dance classrooms and music classrooms with excellent soundproofing behind the venue.However, the music classroom is locked all year round because of the piano, and the dance studio is open mostof the time. 

As soon as he entered the dance studio, Cheng Kai immediately closed the door with some eagerness,then pressed the boy against the door panel, lowered his head and kissed him. 

Ji Wangshu let out a cry, and then her lips and teeth intertwined with the young man's. The last time theykissed, she swallowed his saliva eagerly, as if she was afraid that he would be snatched away by someone else inthe next second. This time, it became much gentler and no longer caused the back of his tongue to ache. 

The young man's heavy nose sprayed on his face, blending with his breath. The tall body completelyenveloped him, and he huddled in the boy's arms like a petite cat. He had no ability to survive and could onlycling to the boy in front of him.The two kissed each other for a few minutes before Cheng Kai reluctantly let go of the already limp boyin his arms. 

He had never known that kissing was such an exciting thing for him. If his lower body wasn'talready erect and he was worried about being discovered, he wouldn't be willing to let go.


Ji Wangshu looked at the mirror next to her with dissatisfaction and complained coquettishly:"My mouth is swollen from your kiss again. What will I do if someone finds me when I go out?"

 "I'm sorry, it's my fault." 

Cheng Kai immediately admitted his mistake and lowered his head in front ofhis boy, "Can you stand behind me later?" 

After the young man's already fleshy lips were swollen by kisses, they became even more fleshy andglowing, looking particularly alluring. If he wasn't afraid of making Wang Shu angry, he really wanted to putthese two lips in his mouth and lick them.

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