Chapter 10

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The midterm exam is over soon, followed by two days of weekend vacation. All students returned toschool on Sunday afternoon, and a parent-teacher meeting was held to announce their results. 

Ji Wangshu naturally did not come to the parent-teacher conference, and the teacher knew this. There isonly one grandfather in Cheng Kai's family. In order to make ends meet, he works outside collecting rags allyear round and has no time to attend parent-teacher meetings. 

The two walked out of the school together. Ji Wangshu looked at the boy beside him who was carryinghis schoolbag and suddenly said: 

"Cheng Kai, you can come to my house to play on the weekend."

 But Cheng Kai looked a little embarrassed and touched his head, "Wang Shu, I have to go out to workpart-time on the weekends to help my grandfather lighten the burden, so I may not be able to accompany you." 

"Oh, that's it. Then where do you go to work part-time?" 

Cheng Kai responded honestly: "The Western restaurant in the city center, the part-time fee there iscalculated by the hour, which is relatively high."Ji Wangshu knew the advantages of being tall and handsome. Even if he was dressed in a rustic style,there would still be people who knew what he was looking for. 

As far as he knew, not everyone could work parttime in that kind of Western restaurant.After taking a taxi home, Ji Wangshu was living alone in a large luxury flat floor. She was watching amovie on the sofa with a projector when she received a message on her phone.

 "Wang Shu, I will hold a party for my birthday tomorrow, please remember to come." 

When he saw it, he saw that it was sent to him by the cousin of the original owner. Thinking that therewould be nothing to do on the weekend anyway, he agreed directly. You can drink and chat at the banquet,which is not bad.On the night of the banquet, he took a car and entered the famous villa area in city B. 

The villa where thebanquet was held was already brightly lit, and he could hear the lively sounds there from a distance.As soon as Ji Wangshu got out of the car, he saw his cousin greeting guests at the door, but when hiscousin saw him, he was stunned for a moment before coming up to him: 

"Okay, Wangshu, you are dressed up so beautifully today, and you have taken all the limelight out of my cousin."

 It's all going to be snatched up!" 

Although it was clear that the person in front of him was his cousin, for some reason, he was a littleafraid to recognize him when he saw it."No way, cousin, you are the protagonist today."

 Rubbing his cousin's head, he smiled and pushed him in: "Good boy, go in first. There are people of thesame age inside. You can find someone to chat with and make two more friends. Don't be alone all day long.Bored."This banquet was just a gathering of young masters and ladies from wealthy families to eat, drink andhave fun. 

Although everyone was not very ostentatious, it still looked low-key and luxurious.When Ji Wangshu entered, at least half of the audience's eyes fell on him. Because the original ownerlived in seclusion and was relatively solitary, few people present knew him. 

But soon, someone came up to chat with him. He was born with an outgoing personality, so he took tothis kind of situation like a fish in water. He was soon mingling with everyone, talking and laughing.At the same time, Cheng Kai, who was working in a restaurant, had just passed the evening rush hourand hid in the toilet a little tired to rest for a few minutes. 

At this moment, the phone in his pocket vibrated. Heopened it and found that there was a new message in the class group. It was sent by a fair, rich and beautiful girlin his class. 

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