The little nurse who got sick from sao seduced the doctor into pouring medicinal

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Following the door number given to him by the waiter, Xuan Lin walked to the door and knocked twice, then heard footsteps approaching inside. The next moment, the door opened. But when he saw the person appearing inside the door, he immediately looked away subconsciously.

  "Dr. Xuan, what's wrong? Come in quickly." Ji Wangshu seemed a little confused and stretched out his hand to pull the person outside the door directly in, and then closed the door.

  Xuan Lin waited for a while before looking at the young man standing in front of him. He asked in a difficult tone, "Why are you dressed like this?"

  "Huh? Doctor Xuan, this is my work clothes. What should I do if I don't dress like this?" What are you wearing?" Ji Wangshu tilted his head slightly, with pure confusion on his face.

  But his clothes did not match his simple expression. He was wearing a nurse's uniform with the fabric reduced to the extreme. The V-neck dress on the upper body exposed most of her breasts and slender waist and abdomen, and was tightly wrapped, almost squeezing her breasts out. The tight skirt on her lower body is just enough to cover her buttocks, to the extent that all the scenery will be exposed if she bends down slightly.

  Xuan Lin took a deep breath and let his expression return to its previous calmness, "Ji Wangshu, even if Bo Yi sends you to the Blue Bay Club, will you fall to this level? Look at what you are wearing, After all, you have been the young master of the Bo family for almost 20 years, have you adapted to your identity as a prostitute so quickly?"

  Not only this dress, there are many hickeys on the young man's exposed skin. You can tell at a glance that he is a prostitute. The traces left behind have not had time to disappear.

  Ji Wangshu shook her head, as if she was a little afraid of the gentle yet mocking and preaching tone of the person in front of her, "Dr. Xuan, what are you talking about? I, I'm dressed well, I'm obviously a nurse, why did I become a prostitute? I I don't understand what Dr. Xuan is saying. If you continue like this, I'm going to find the head nurse to comment."

  Xuan Lin didn't expect that the young man in front of him was already addicted to playing, looking at the clothes that could barely cover anything. With the young man's hot figure exposed, he couldn't help but breathe heavily.

  Seeing this, Ji Wangshu pressed forward in time, hugged one of the man's arms, and rubbed her chest against it, "Doctor Xuan, stop saying things I don't understand. It's time to work. I've been feeling a little pain in my chest lately. , Doctor, aren't you the future star of cardiothoracic surgery? Can you show me?"

  But his words did not receive any response, and the man remained silent.

  After a long time, Xuan Lin spoke again, his voice no longer as clear and smooth as before, "What's wrong with you? Tell me about your symptoms." "

  It's the left chest. Sometimes it feels itchy and painful, and it's very uncomfortable." Ji Wangshu scratched it. The man put his hand on the soft flesh of his chest and pressed it gently, "Doctor, what do you think is the problem? I don't think I have a heart disease." The softness

  under his palm made his eyesight uncontrollably. After falling on it, the letters that were once on the left chest were no longer visible, replaced by flowers outlined in black lines.

  "Xiao Ji, as a nurse, why do you still have tattoos on your body? Why did the head nurse take care of you? It would be bad to let the patients see it!" "Would it be bad?

  But this flower is very beautiful, and the patients are very happy. I like it."

  Of course I like it very much. There are still kiss marks on the tattoo. Xuan Lin sneered coldly.

He said, "Oh, you just took off your clothes to give benefits to the patients. Of course they like it very much."

  "Do you like it, doctor?" Ji Wangshu held her breasts and handed them to the man, looking at the slender bones with distinct joints. He gently rubbed his left breast with his hand, "Can this examination detect the disease? Should I take off my clothes?" "

  It doesn't have to be so troublesome." Xuan Lin couldn't grasp all the breasts in his hands through the clothes. She was also a little impatient, so she directly pulled down the thin and tight top. With a cry of surprise, her breasts, which were not wearing any underwear at all, bounced out.

  "Ah! Why are you so rude, Dr. Xuan? You tore my clothes. What will I wear to work later?" "

  Then be naked. I think you are eager to do so."

  He felt that the nipples under his hands were already hard and poking. In the palm of his hand, he couldn't help but twist the red tassel and gently tug it, "What about this? Does it hurt?"

  "No, it doesn't hurt, but it's a little itchy."

  Xuanlin looked at the blush on the young man's face and endured it. I couldn't help but rub the soft breasts again: "Oh, what about this?"

  "Okay, it feels so comfortable. Dr. Xuan is great. Just rubbing it like this made me feel less itchy. The doctor rubbed it harder." Ah, maybe my illness will be cured." Ji Wangshu looked at the hand holding a scalpel on his chest and was rubbing his chest. In addition to physical pleasure, he felt even more psychological pleasure. He couldn't help but imagine the man in a white coat, rubbing his chest and treating his illness with a gentle and dedicated look on his face.

  "It's not that simple. I still want to listen to your heartbeat. But now we don't have a stethoscope, so we can only use the most primitive method." Xuanlin's eyes darkened, and he left his mark on the breasts covered with hickeys After placing his fingerprints, he suddenly let go, then lowered his head and put his ear against it.

  The cheeks instantly sank into the soft flesh, and the faint fragrance of milk entered the nose. Thinking about it,

  the whole person revealed love and seduction. Just go out like this, and those hungry wolves outside will not eat people alive.

  After saying that, he directly lifted the young man up in his arms amidst the young man's exclamations, and then opened his mouth to take in the untouched breast on the right side. Finally left the entrance hall and walked into the house.

  " feels so feels so good when the doctor sucks my breasts...and the right...the right breast is so itchy..." The right breast, which had been neglected, finally made a dissatisfied protest, and the tip of the nipple became even more... The itching was severe. Ji Wangshu rubbed it twice with her hands, but it couldn't be relieved at all.

  Then he quickly became addicted to it. Although Xuan Lin looked inexperienced, he still felt comfortable licking his breasts.

  Xuan Lin listened to the young man's coquettish plea and remained unmoved, "Xiao Ji, you don't even have a registration slip. I've been treating you for so long and it's already against the rules. If this continues, if you are discovered by the hospital, I will It's also difficult to deal with."

  "Doctor Xuan, I'm also itching down there. Can you give me a cure?"

  Sitting on the bed, he didn't let go of the young man in his arms. He just let him sit on his lap and buried his head. He sucked and licked the breasts with relish, listening to the young man moaning softly in his ear.

  But Xuan Lin remained unmoved. Seeing the young man eagerly handing the breast to his mouth, he still didn't open his mouth, just watching the young man being tortured by desire, "

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