Music classroom doi, Zhou Feiran was so stimulated (h)

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After visiting the mall, the two went directly back to school. The head teacher also showed up in the classroom uncharacteristically early, because the school's 80th anniversary was coming soon, and many alumni would be invited back and the school's students would need to put on some performances.

  "It's like this. We are in the third year of high school. The school does not require us to put on a show. We can just focus on studying for the college entrance examination. But there is one special one, that is Zhou Feiran. The school has designated you to perform a piano piece on stage. It doesn't need to be too colorful. You can practice it when you have time."

  Zhou Feiran glanced at Ji Wangshu diagonally in front of him, smiled slightly and said: "Since it is a school requirement, of course I am honored. But isn't it too monotonous for me to play piano music alone? I know that Ji Wangshu, a classmate in our class, has also learned piano. When we perform the four-hand combination together, it should be more exciting."

  Upon hearing this, the class teacher looked at the other person with bright eyes, "Really? Ji Wangshu, you can also do it. Play the piano?" Just in time, Ji Wangshu's grades were good, so she didn't have to worry about her performance declining due to practice.

  "Ah?" Ji Wangshu suddenly realized that he was actually called by name. He glanced at the big dog next to him who was already unhappy. He immediately said: "Teacher, I learned that a long time ago. I haven't practiced for a long time, so I won't go." You are holding back classmate Zhou Feiran."

  "It doesn't matter. I heard from your cousin that you have passed the exam, so you must have the basics. I will take you with me when the time comes, and you won't hold me back."

  Ji Wangshu looked at Zhou Feiran looked at his malicious smile and the teacher's expression of earnest hope that he would agree, so he had no choice but to nod and agree.

  After this class, it was dinner time. Cheng Kai suppressed his unhappy mood and took the boy beside him to the cafeteria to eat, when he found that there was another person beside him.

  "What are you doing with us?"

  Zhou Feiran said calmly: "After dinner, I plan to go to the music classroom with Ji Wangshu to practice piano, so it will be more convenient together."

  Cheng Kai then remembered what the guy had just proposed to the teacher . Putting their hands together, they gritted their teeth and said, "What do you mean, it's not enough to go on stage alone. What do you want to do

  with Wang Shu?" "It's not interesting. It's the anniversary of your alma mater. It's not too much for everyone to contribute together, right?"

  After all, it's just When he went to the cafeteria to eat, Cheng Kai had no reason not to let him go, so he had no choice but to have someone beside him. After dinner, he personally followed her to the music classroom before leaving for training with great concern.

  As soon as Cheng Kai left, Zhou Feiran carefully selected the piano score and tuned it. But not long after, the boy leaned against the piano and raised Ji Wangshu's left hand off guard, looked at the watch on it, and sneered.

  "What? The watch I gave you worth hundreds of thousands is not as good as his one which is less than one thousand, right?"

  Ji Wangshu just let the other party grab her wrist and said matter-of-factly: "Since you gave it to me, Then I can wear it whenever I want, and you have to care about that? As for why I wear his and not yours? Of course it's because you are not as important to me as him." "

  You——!" Zhou Feiran was angry He was speechless, so he simply pulled the person into his arms and restrained him fiercely.

  "What do you like about him? He's stupid and poor? He's like a stupid dog. Anyway.

           You are the young master of the Ji family. Why are you so poor in taste?

  "That can't be helped. I just like silly dogs. " "

  "Ah! You like him. Didn't you enjoy being fucked by me so much last time? "After pressing the person into his arms, Zhou Feiran's hands began to become dishonest and moved around the boy's body, "I planted strawberries on your neck again. Didn't you just do it before you came to school? Did he really fuck you over the past two days over the weekend? "

  "yes. "Ji Wangshu didn't resist, and let the hand go into her clothes, "But I lied to you about something last time. Cheng Kai's dick is bigger than yours, but he fucks me better! "

  The moving palms on the body paused, and then the boy's gloomy voice sounded, "Ji Wangshu, you are planning to make me mad to death, right? "

  Without giving the young man a chance to vent his anger, he lowered his head and put his soft lips in his mouth, licking and biting the fleshy and elastic lips. He quickly took off the young man's clothes with both hands, and his plump lips Breasts and the secret triangle appeared in his eyes at the same time, making him take a heavy breath, and directly reached out to dig into the vaginal hole he had tasted last time. Unexpectedly, as soon as his

  fingers reached over, he touched something rough, and he felt a little confused. With a slight pull, he pulled out a pair of soaked underwear that was stuck inside. Looking at the panties that were still dripping on his hands, and the shaky vagina that contained the white semen, he bit it bitterly again. Click those lips.

  "You are really naughty. After fucking, the semen is left in the body without processing it, and you also use underwear to block it. Are you trying to get pregnant for him?"

  "If I wasn't slutty, I wouldn't have let you fuck me last time! " "Ji Wangshu felt the slightly empty cunt, used her fingers to open her labia, and showed the cunt in front of the boy, "Don't worry, I won't get pregnant, just ejaculate inside." "

  The seductive sight in front of him made Zhou Feiran completely unable to hold back. He picked up the boy's body and made him sit on the piano. Even though there was still another person's semen in the vagina, he still couldn't restrain himself and faded slightly. After taking off his pants, he couldn't wait to fuck her inside. The semen that was about to leak out was suddenly fucked back.

  "Hey, wasn't your pussy just fucked? Why is it still so tight?" "The overly tight touch made Zhou Feiran a little nervous. Because there was more liquid inside to lubricate it, it was even more slippery than last time. It wrapped tightly around his genitals, making him eager to start twitching. Start fucking.

  The gymnasium at night is empty and desolate to the extreme, not to mention the music.

  "Ah... it's so comfortable... the big cock makes your pussy feel so good..." Ji Wangshu's eyes were blurred as he looked at the sway in front of him. The sweaty handsome young man hooked his legs and pressed the boy closer.

  But Ji Wangshu still had the intention to listen. He struggled to get out of his arms, but looked at the thin boy who held him firmly in his arms, and even He turned his body around, facing the piano, then grabbed his hand and placed it on the keys.

  The next moment, he saw the head on his chest raised, and before he could breathe a sigh of relief, he Seeing that the other party moved his position again, he grabbed the other side of his breast. The wet and warm touch from it made him unable to bear it.

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